Monday, July 11, 2022

united or not

 Just Say ‘Slavery’

Involuntary relocation and enslaved person are misguided euphemisms. Euphemism is (as the kids say nowadays) cringe, and never more so than when it is the official policy of institutions that have power over others. Texas recently entertained a particularly nauseating modification to its school curriculum, a doozy of a euphemism in much the same vein. According to The Texas Tribune, an advisory panel proposed that chattel slavery be taught to second graders as “involuntary relocation (The Atlantic)


I have never quite grasped the idea that State’s Rights are of enough consequence to usurp Federal Rights. As one who thankfully was taught the concept that HISTORY indeed is a keen lesson to learn to help us move forward, it seemed to me that the American Civil War was an example enough of how some State's Rights are completely wrong! The Southern States wanted to maintain and continue owning slaves, to continue and diminish human rights, and to actually categorize Negros as chattel! HOW IN THE WORLD, could that be permitted as just every day business in Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, etc., etc., etc.?


The Tenth Amendment - Reserving Power for the States

Passed by Congress in 1789 and ratified in 1791, the Tenth Amendment is the last in the group of Constitutional Amendments known as the Bill of Rights. Unlike several of the other early amendments, it is quite brief – only one sentence. But that one sentence grants state governments all powers not specifically delegated to the federal government by the Constitution. However, as broad a grant as this seems, interpretation by the Supreme Court has placed some limits on state power. Reserved powers include running elections, creating marriage laws, and regulating schools. (FindLaw)


How can the true history of this nation be culled? How can freedom and liberty for all Americans be established? How is equality calculated? If states once again demand that life within their borders should be different than life within other state borders, how do we ever move forward as the UNITED STATES?