Saturday, July 16, 2022



Even Forcing 10-Year-Old Rape Victims To Give Birth Is No Longer Too Much For The GOP………Nothing could provide a clearer example of where the Republican Party is now than the case of the 10-year-old girl in Ohio who was impregnated by her rapist and then barred from having an abortion in her own state. The girl ended up traveling to Indiana for the procedure.

This girl does exist, and sadly, she did go through this horrible experience. This week, a 27-year-old man was charged with raping her. 

This news did not provoke much soul-searching. Republicans instead doubled down on their position that people should be forced to give birth.

Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita (R) said he plans to investigate the doctor who provided the abortion to the 10-year-old girl, even though abortion is still legal in the state. 

James Bopp, a conservative lawyer who has written model legislation encouraging states to ban abortion in all cases except to save the life of the pregnant person, said he believes the girl should have been forced to have the baby. (HUFF POST).


Men now demand that RAPE victims carry the fetus and remain docile and dumb. Men and their CHATTEL, oops I mean women, who somehow think their Lady Parts are different than most other women and will never be forced to become pregnant, have no concern for the well-being of even a 10-year-old girl, play God and Goddess, pretending that THEY and only THEY know good from bad, rotten from really rotten!


Many expressed shock that it was even biologically possible for the 10-year-old child to become pregnant. Some said they were torn “morally” about whether abortions should be allowed in cases of incest or rape, as in the Ohio case. And others tried to turn the conversation to the undocumented immigrant who prosecutors allege raped the girl. “I’m amazed a 10-year-old got pregnant. … You really wrestle with that. That’s a tough one,” Rep. Bob Gibbs, R-Ohio, said Thursday. Rep. Debbie Lesko, R-Ariz., said, “I can’t imagine being 10 years old” and pregnant, adding: “I don’t think I was even able to have children when I was 10 years old. … It’s just awful. It’s awful all the way around.” (NBC News)


Shocked, amazed, dumb as shit regarding reproduction, torn morally, BUT NONETHELESS, still ruthless enough to placate a REPUBLICAN BASE, as uneducated, stupid, and morally bankrupt, and pretend 10-year-old girls do not exist!