Saturday, July 30, 2022


 22 Republican States Sue Biden Admin for the Right to Discriminate Against LGBTQ+ School Kids

Unfathomable cruelty is the point. (Southern Poverty Law)


Specifically, on Tuesday, attorneys general from Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, and West Virginia filed a lawsuit, led by Tennessee attorney general Herbert Slatery, over the U.S. Department of Agriculture announcing in May that discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation will now be considered a violation of Title IX, the 1972 law that prohibits sex-based discrimination in “any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.” (Southern Poverty Law)


I have to wonder if these same American Christian Nationalists, would protect the Zygote or Fetus if it was found out that, THAT Zygote or Fetus was an LGBT?????? Now, let's pretend that somehow YOU, the American out in the BIGOTED ZONES of AMERIKA, think, I am way too Christian to create an LGBT egg. I mean MY sperm is 100% Macho, Macho Man, and my Chattel’s egg, my Sexual Victim’s egg, my Daughter, or Granddaughter’s egg is 100% Straight…so it AIN’T POSSIBLE, to have a QUEER! Or let's say, you are a person of color, and you insist that LGBTs are not a part of your heritage, genealogy, or heredity, so there is NO need for you to be concerned about that kind of DISCRIMINATION. BUT then let’s say, after these Republican White Folk are successful in DISCRIMINATING, against the LGBT community, they want more flesh and blood, like a Black, or Brown, or Asian, or Jew, or Muslim kid. Let’s say these Bigots/ Racists/ Anti-Semites/ Homophobes/ Islamophobes, succeed in stopping President Biden from trying to make America Equal!


Let’s say you never gave a shit when the shit was not yours…but I wonder what happens when the GOP begins to shit on you!