Saturday, February 11, 2023

My Grandma Buncher

 As Gov. Ron DeSantis prepared for an election night party in downtown Tampa last year, city officials received a surprising — and politically sensitive — request.

The Republican governor’s campaign wanted weapons banned from his victory celebration at the city-run Tampa Convention Center, a city official said in emails obtained by The Washington Post. And the campaign suggested that the city take responsibility for the firearms ban, the official said — not the governor, who has been a vocal supporter of gun rights.

The previously unreported request to Tampa officials illuminates a touchy issue for DeSantis as he weighs a potential bid for the Republican presidential nomination. Even as DeSantis has earned the highest rating from the National Rifle Association’s political arm, gun owners are balking at his recent appearances at events where firearms were prohibited, according to interviews and online posts. (The Washington Post)


My Grandma Buncher was a very practical woman. Having been born in Pittsburgh, in the late 1800s, she understood that somehow she had a bit more privilege than the many Jews who throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, who migrated to the United States. She would often lecture her grandchildren, that privilege can be construed or misconstrued, sometimes providing the same meaning for anyone dumb enough to not understand the difference. (As and aside to this story, my Grandma Braff, would often times use words her grandchildren had never heard before, let alone understood the meaning of. She would insist that we ask our parents the definitions, and then add, when the Jews of Europe arrive in America, their first priority is to LEARN ENGLISH, and her final insistence was, to state and so should we!)


Ron DeSantis pretends to speak for the very uneducated, impoverished, Floridians, he shares VERY little in common with those who adore him worship him and sadly consider him JUST ONE OF THEM. DeSantis is dangerous because he KNOWS very well how to MISCONSTRUE and MISLEAD, the very miserable minions who always need someone to tell them how to live!