Friday, February 10, 2023

Republcian Vampires

 The Kentucky senator didn’t stop there. In the same interview, McConnell said he and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy agree that Social Security and Medicare “are not to be touched,” and the two GOP leaders are in a more "authoritative position to state what the position of the party is than any single senator,” apparently referring to Scott. (MSNBC)


One more BLOG about FINALLY, playing OFFENSE, against the intended folly of Republican policies, which never are nor have been geared for the common American, but precisely honed for their wealthy DONOR CLASS PUPPET MASTERS. Joe Biden was and is a perfect example of playing the REVERSE ENGINEERED REPUBLICAN GAME OF ‘GOTCHA!’


The original Vampires never could survive SUNLIGHT. The brightness, openness transparency of light, would burn their flesh, and eventually corrode their souls. Too often Republican Politicians, cavort in the dense darkness of shadows, fearful that any bit of truth may find them and actually destroy their devious plans to suck the blood from the American public.


Be it SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE/MEDICAID/HEALTH CARE/WAGES/VOTING RIGHTS/REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS, the GOP has thrived in the dark alleys and dungeons, of fiction/fabrication, and falsehoods. They pretend somehow they are a POPULIST movement, by and for the people; when in reality they follow the paths of ANARCHISTS, whose only goal is to serve the people who have the finances to keep them well hidden from the truth!


Once again I beg ALL Democrat Politicians, to open the blinds, shine the spotlight, and let the sunshine on these Republican Vampires!