Monday, February 27, 2023

so long...oops not so fast

 Wealthy Republican donors in New York are looking to back candidates other than Donald Trump ahead of the 2024 election, according to former GOP Sen. Al D’Amato. The ex-lawmaker, who previously backed Trump in the 2016 and 2020 elections, gave a damning assessment about the former president’s support in the Empire State. “No way does Trump have New York locked up,” D’Amato told The New York Times. “The more people see him, the worse he looks.” (The Daily Beast)


WTF! Trump is now a plague, perhaps a walking and talking version of the ‘Black Death,’ a Zombie Virus. He wasn’t any of that during his reign of TERROR for 4 years, acting as Authoritarian/ Dictator/Fascist/ Klan Leader/BFF with Kim-Jong-un or Vlad the Exterminator. He was a Prophet for the  CHRISTIAN EVANGELICALS whose religion of bigotry/hate/racism/ and xenophobia had the Evangelicals supposing he might be the New Jesus.


No one had real problems with Trump's attempt at a COUP, his BIG LIES, and his weaponization of the Justice Department. NOPE/NADA/ZILCH/NO, all of those were explained away by the uber-wealthy GOP Donors who enjoyed keeping their low taxes, taxes intact. The Oil and Train and Industries of Pollution loved the way Trump just had one hand behind his back accepting the bribes and in return just fucking up all of the land and air and water of this nation. NO, it seems that NO ONE had uno problemo with this Treasonist ass wipe, until he just could not help elect a huge majority in both the House and Senate.


So, folks do not act as if some great bout of MORALS or VALUES, JUSTICE or EQUITY has fallen onto anyone identifying as a REPUBLICAN, because IT AIN’T about any of them discovering a conscience. I mean these idiots are now embracing DeSantis/Haley/Pence… Trump has lost luster with those who pay for power, for those whose political existence can only thrive by those who pay them to stay in power. You can still hate and loath scapegoat and villainize and that is a good thing, but if you do all of the EVIL possible but don’t win elections, as they sing in the ‘Sound of Music’, So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, adieu. (So Long Farewell/Oscar Hammerstein II)