Friday, August 25, 2023


 How much more? An ex-president attempted to overthrow our government, and promises, if re-elected to actually destroy democracy by using the power of the office of the President to continue his path toward a dictatorship. He has broken Constitutional laws, and is using the Constitution as a crutch to gain his freedom, only to, once re-elected to burn that Constitution in the same pile as banned books. AND, he has the permission, so far of not only a large population of this nation but the support of Republican Politicians who have openly placed their self-preservation above and beyond the freedoms and liberties of the citizens of the United States. How much more?

How much more? The cadre of GOP candidates whose desire is to become the next TRUMP, pretend that somehow being Pro-Life, EXCLUDES, the quality of life we actually live! Save the unborn they declare but pay no attention to the climate in which they try to survive and thrive. Say no to science and medicine, both of which can and should prioritize the potential for a safer and healthier life. They want to play teacher, they want to play doctor, and they now want to play parent, deciding who has rights, liberties, choices, and freedoms. How much more?


How much more? One person one vote, the supposed American Exceptionalism of endorsing and enhancing the spirit of free elections, and fair elections, have become nothing but empty words via the actions and denials from the Republican Party. From permitting Governors to fire legally elected officials who disagree with authoritarianism, to the Supreme Court granting partisan Gerrymandered Districts, to still supporting an Electoral College system helps defeat a majority of voters' choices, which makes SWING STATES and SWING STATE VOTERS more important than each and everyone else. How much more?


How much more, America. How much more when, in fact, I believe we ALL should be SCREAMING “NOT ANY MORE!”