Saturday, August 5, 2023

Sarah is back

 Sarah Palin says former President Donald Trump's D.C. indictment is "injust" and making people "afraid of their thoughts”: “They [are attempting] to jail him for expressing his opinion!" (Sarah Palin Tweet) 

From the DEPTHS OF DESPAIR. From the CAULDRON OF CRAZY. From the RECESSES OF ROT AND RUIN. From the URGENT NEED OF JUST 15 MORE MINUTES OF FAME, Sarah Palin has arisen, unafraid to remain STUPIP, unafraid, to place her FOOT IN HER MOUTH WITHOUT REMOVING HER HEAD FROM HER OWN ASS, unafraid, to say and do whatever she believes will bring her notoriety and perhaps another chance to DANCE WITH THE STARS.


TRUMP’S thoughts, just some old man too orange and dyed, sitting in his rocking chair, thinking of lying to the FBI, lying to Congress, lying to Americans JUST THINKING…


DAMN, Sarah, when you try to make a comeback you still succeed in going as low as humanly possible and has dumb as shit as ever!