Thursday, December 28, 2023

3 GOP Fools

 COLUMBIA, S.C. -- Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley was asked at a New Hampshire town hall about the reason for the Civil War, and she didn’t mention slavery in her response. She walked back her comments hours later. (ABC News)

Nimarata Nikki Randhawa Haley, what a bull shit artist. She of course would or is it could not state the fact that SLAVERY, was the cause for the American Civil War,  because Nimarata Nikki Randhawa Haley, understood that her MAGA audience would have given her a “THUMBS DOWN,” most likely insisting that she was way too woke to even hint that SLAVERY had ever been an issue within the United States. Nope, Nimarata Nikki Randhawa Haley, is a PRO PLAYER when it comes to the “art of the con,” in politics. Please the MAGA Racists first, feed them the kind of ignorant hate in which they thrive. Then pretend, off the camera or off of the stage, that either your answer had been misconstrued, falsely reported, or that what you said, you really never said it.


Kim Reynolds Doesn't Want Free Money to Feed Poor Kids In Her State. She's taking a stand against juice box socialism. The state had until Jan. 1 to apply to the US Department of Agriculture’s Summer EBT program that would have provided Iowa with about $29 million in federal funding to feed about 240,000 kids over the summer months when school is out. In exchange for the funding, Iowa would have to split the costs of administering the program to the tune of about $2.2 million. (Esquire)

Gov. Kimmy Reynolds prefers it when the zygote, or fetus is fed while inside the woman’s body. There is life in that there womb, and she believes that Religious Socialism is a necessary part of Government to make certain that while in the womb, all life remains healthy. But for Gov. Kimmy Reynolds, once that life takes its first breath outside the womb, it just ain’t too important for that life to be fed. Gov. Kimmy Reynolds insists that somehow once the baby is born any kind of socialism is a danger. She can force socialism on mom and her uterus, but once mom and fetus have cut the umbilical cord, no more socialism. 


Lauren Boebert says she'll seek office in a different congressional district in 2024. Boebert said in a Facebook video that she intends to seek office in Colorado's 4th Congressional District, which covers the Eastern Plains, currently represented by Republican U.S. Rep. Ken Buck. Lauren Boebert Is Runnin' Scared Behold, a belligerent yahoo sprinting away from the Democrat she just barely beat last time. (Esquire)

BOEBERT! Gurl, you just cannot help yourself in your hypocrisy, disingenuous self-centered, ignorant self-serving life. A carpetbagger kind of politician BOEBERT. In case you never took any kind of Civics or History course of study, a CARPETBAGGER is, a political candidate who seeks election in an area where they have no local connections, a person perceived as an unscrupulous opportunist. BOEBERT, you give no shits about anyone but you, if you had any conscience or morals or values, you might be embarrassed…but BOEBERT you lack anything that hints of human!






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