Friday, December 29, 2023


“I truly worry for their safety. These crazy people out there, these fanatical Biden voters out there, if there are any left—they find their way to the Supreme Court justices’ homes, their kids’ schools, their places of work, their places of worship. He should be talking about that,” she demanded, just as Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold reportedly has been receiving hundreds of death threats from angry Trump supporters. (Kellyann Conway, via FOX)


Let me be perfectly clear…PERFECTLY CLEAR…I have no, none, zilch, nada respect for this WITCH, a female version of TRUMP, full of nothing but what is best and better for herself, and I would NOT quote MS, “What’s in it for me,” but SMACK DAB, right in front of the camera on FOX Propaganda TV, this WITCH of a human parasite, actually admitted the truth about her own Insurrectionist Party, by playing the TRUMP game of PROJECTION!


We all have listened as garbage spewed from the all-oral cavities of TRUMP. We all have heard him PROJECT his own guilt, his own lies, his own intentions, and his own covert actions, on everyone else. TRUMP, the narcissist, cannot help himself in bragging about the BAD stuff he has done, and thinks using his Orange dye-soaked brain, that intelligent people will actually buy his bull shit, and believe that whatever he is PROJECTING upon everyone else, is a truth. TRUMP also understands the limitation of understanding of his Insurrectionist Deplorable Anarchists and does know that by saying out loud all the things he didn’t do, his throng of Putin-loving authoritarian jerks will take up arms and actually committee the mayhem TRUMP insists he never did. 


And now Kellyann (the witch) Conway is using the same double-think douchebaggery slimy trick and PROJECTING actions that only MAGA Traitors understand onto normal people, UNDERSTANDING that any suggestion of Terrorism is enough to ignite the Fascist loving Coven of TRUMP treasonists. Kellyann is bad news, she is trying to become the evil clone of TRUMP. Be afraid, be very afraid!