Saturday, December 9, 2023

Enough of them already

 Senators are grappling with what the aftershocks of Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s (R-Ala.) blockade of military promotions will look like — whether it will open the floodgates for members to institute widespread holds or scare them off. (The Hill) 

Why this matters to me, is the sheer audacity that within the Senate one man or one woman can act as Lord and Savior, placing his or her own political bull shit, the Bull Shit of their Puppet Masters, or the Bull Shit of someone who acts in a Treasonous intentional means. Why this matters to me, is that once again the Senate has shown disdain for the American People and demonstrated a longing for a continuation of a Private Club!


Part of the impetus behind Tuberville’s lifting of the military roadblock was the potential for a vote on the Senate floor that would have changed the rules of the chamber temporarily. Senate Republicans worried the vote would have created a new precedent and could have been the opening salvo to altering the ability for a member to hold a nominee in the future. (The Hill)


What the Fuck, seriously, this group of Holier Than Thou, men and women, actually are afraid that their archaic machinations might actually face scrutiny, as the American Military is held captive. This Holier Than Thou group of men and women who somehow are certain that their shit don’t stink, had to give in so that next time, their chance to act as Gods would not be taken away.


Even some of the most conservative members who are known for gumming up processes argued there is an art to an effective hold, and Tuberville’s all-gas-and-no-breaks push was the wrong approach. “Part of using leverage is knowing when you can press and when pressing too hard is counterproductive. If the outcome is the Senate rules change to take away the ability to utilize that leverage, at that point, you risk becoming counterproductive,” said Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas). (The Hill).


And the sheer chutzpah of Teddy Cruz, bragging that gumming up the process is somehow as American as apple pie. That to delay and impede any progress is somehow a mark of honor, a mark of courage. WHEN WILL WE THE PEOPLE BE THE ONES IN CHARGE? TERM LIMITS and turn these selfish self-serving out!