Tuesday, December 5, 2023

He remains evil!

 “Oops, I did it again!” Driving home from the gym, I succumbed to my urge to listen to the news, fearful that between this morning at 7:00 am and at 12:45 pm, even more Hell broke loose, and finally we actually did have a Zombie infestation. (I consider most to many current Republicans and their gerrymandered voters to be brain dead and wonder when they will roam freely to destroy everyone else’s life.)


So, out of reflex, I touched channel 118 on Sirius XM, and Andrea Mitchell was doing her usual fumbling and vacant attempt at acting as a Correspondent, talking with some Republican douchebag, asking him if he was at all concerned with the no longer veiled threats by TRUMP to cancel the US Constitution, fire all Civil Servants within the Federal Government and replace anyone within the Justice Department who TRUMP feels is an enemy of his soon to be Nation.  I was unable to catch the name of this GOP ass-licker, but I heard his response to Andrea’s question. This fellow TRUMP Treasonists said, we should worry about Trump's intentions, Trump just likes to be as controversial as he can, he thrives on the attention. Then this idiot added, that some of Trump's threats should be taken seriously, but most of what Trump says is just for attention. Finally adding just enough of bull shit to help him slide back into the rectal orifices of Republican voters, this Thug said, after all, Trump had some great actions as President. Of course, Andrea, who is way beyond her capabilities tried to say, timidly rebut this, only to be silenced by this Republican Liar. Please MSNBC put Andrea out to pasture, she once was great, but so NOT GREAT NOW.


But this rant is not about how oblivious Andrea Mitchell seems to be regarding the possibility of our dying Democracy, it is about how, the majority of current Republican Politicians, are still getting away with re-writing history. The Media still seems to think that there are two sides to every issue. TRUMPS record needs to be scrutinized. He provided more tax cuts for the wealthy, (doing this I am certain to maintain his and his family’s ability to not pay their fair share in taxes), thus causing the deficit to explode, thus of course begging the Republicans to cut all kinds of social services, (yep even for all you Red hat voters in Republican States). TRUMP's record includes cozying up to Dictators around the world and trying to undercut our allies. It includes over a half million people dying of COVID because he refused to take medicine and science seriously. His record includes an attempted Coup and Insurrection. 


Oftentimes times my ranting and raving is like screaming in the wind. It feels good to YELL, but when it is said and done all I am left with is a sore throat. From crimes to felonies to the attempted death and destruction of Democracy, from antisemitism to misogyny, from racism to xenophobia, TRUMP's record was and will remain EVIL!