Saturday, December 16, 2023

To Be a Republican

 The GOP is eager to block J.R. Majewski from winning its nomination to challenge veteran Democratic Rep. Marcy Kaptur. Majewski lost his previous bid for Congress last year, after a news report on his military records indicated he lied about combat duty in Afghanistan.

Republicans turned to former state legislator Craig Riedel to beat Majewski in this cycle's primary. But last week, an audio tape surfaced of Riedel calling Donald Trump "arrogant" and vowing not to endorse the former president. Now the primary looks poised to become a referendum on which is worse in today's GOP: criticizing Trump, or allegedly lying about one’s military valor. (POLITICO)


HONOR…NOPE, VALOR…NOPE, VALUES…NOPE, DECENCY…NOPE, MORALS…NOPE. Who embodies none of these, REPUBLICANS of course, REPUBLICAN Politicians, REPUBLICAN Puppet Masters, and those people who VOTE, REPUBLICAN.


Be a liar, but as long as you NEVER “Bad Mouth” TRUMP, LIE your ass off as much as you wish. Be a criminal, but as long as you worship TRUMP, commit any or all crimes just like your Idol, TRUMP. Be a Hypocrite, and DOUBLE SPEAK as much as your little heart desires, but NEVER-EVER be caught on Tape, expressing a scurrilous claim regarding TRUMP’S scandalous and disgusting and too often, his criminal activities.  


BE A TRUMP. Yep to identify yourself as a REPUBLICAN, you are admitting that you too, are a TRUMP. You may pretend to know good from bad, evil from goodness, but in ACTUALITY, none of that seems to matter if you vote for TRUMP, believe TRUMP, look the other way as TRUMP steps on the truth, or democracy, or our freedoms. And somehow you may want to be a TRUMP, but anyone with any sort of intelligence KNOWS that in the BIZARRO mind of TRUMP, there is only one TRUMP, and he gives no shits about you, REPUBLICAN!