Saturday, December 2, 2023

Here and Now

 Tens of thousands of negotiators, activists, and corporate execs have descended upon Dubai to wrangle over the future of fossil fuels. Namely, should they even have a future? Can governments broker a deal to phase out the oil, coal, and gas causing climate change? Countries have already suffered deep losses as a result of the fires, floods, and other disasters intensifying with climate change. They want the biggest, heaviest-polluting nations to do something about it. And they’ll be making their case at a conference presided over by an oil baron. (The Verge)


Bah humbug! Bull Shit! WTF! REALLY! Uh-Huh! 


So the muckety mucks all full of themselves, and even more full of profits in dollars, or yens or whatever the fuck they collect and horde, are supposedly deciding on the future health and welfare of Planet Earth, and the beings, both human, flora, fauna, animals, mammals, fish and fowl. AS IF, any of these greedy, gluttonous, ghouls give one iota of a concern for this generation or any other generation to follow, they pretend to actually think about anything else but their PROFITS.


One more staged meeting where the rest of us are supposed to think that those with power actually give one shit about those of us who have no power. One more PRETEND KIMBAHYA, where a select few act as Gods, and suppose that they think of anything more than what is good for them NOW. Climate is changing, we all see it, but as is the reality and has been the reality of our world for the past 50 decades, REALITY becomes masked in Propaganda for Profits and Greed.


Fossil Fuels, huh? Ya mean somehow Fossil Fuels are not good for this Planet, even though they are good for the profits and pockets of a select few who only consider their welfare a priority. One more bull shit convention, conclave,  committee, consortium, where words never lead to any action or progress. One more second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, decade wasted as those who can and should make a difference---DON’T! 


Just like the Tobacco Cartel wasted the lives of the innocents, feigning concern for the health and safety of the rest of us, those of us who did not receive HUGE PROFITS, the FOSSIL FUEL CARTEL, pretends to care, but what they truly care about is the HERE AND NOW, of continuing to get richer and richer and richer, as the world around them dies!