Many Republicans are great advocates for the "ALL and EVERY". Their audience is usually a group of people who find blame for ALL ills and woes on people different than they. Its ALL of them and always ALL their fault.. And EVERY one of them is bad or evil or just Un-American. How do we know? We know because we are told by our religious leaders, the media, some of sheltered parents that difference is wrong.
Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck all seem to have the "all and every" down pat. They mention through innuendo and here-say fictitious facts about gays, or blacks or non christians and suddenly all blacks, gays and non christians are on welfare or lazy, trying to erode the institution of marriage or really not religious because they do not worship the "correct God".
And many people who have no time to discover the foibles or fables, educate themselves or need a scapegoat to feel better about themselves nod in agreement and begin to spew the same venomous dribble; repeating the lies long enough where it begins to sound like truth.
Now it seems the prospects of a better health plan for ALL Americans is in jeopardy because the wise old liars, the soothsayers of untruths, the many Republicans are adding their own bent to the story.
According to their marketing scheme (a vast amount of Republican politicians) the following will happen if we allow President Obama to pass legislation making health care available for ALL Americans.
We will automatically allow abortions to happen. Anyone who wants an abortion will have it covered and at the urging of some doctors many women who never considered an abortion will be urged to do so.
All poor people who do not currently have medical insurance, really could acquire it if they stopped spending their money on drugs alcohol, and stopped freeloading off of the government dole. (Doesn't matter if your employer pays for the coverage or if you only make minimum wage, or even receive unemployment, if you want coverage stop eating or paying for your utilities and get coverage.)
Immediately there will be no free choice in coverage because the fascist government of Barack Obama will insist and arrest you if you don't use only their medical plan, and you will no longer be able to choose your own doctor.
And the evil of evil the government will suddenly have a copy of your medical records and follow you around from doctor visit to hospital stay to recovery. Big Brother will rule your life. ( A new Big Brother, unlike the Pharmacuitcal Companies or the Health Care Corporations who have a monopoly on the cost of our health.)
A few sad things about all of this are that those not in favor equal coverage, universal coverage, never come up with good reasons not to cover ALL Americans, but instead they throw into the mix lies, falsehoods and scare tactics as to why the only plan on record so far will not work.
And for me, the saddest commentary around are those in America who want to blame, who want to hate who want to deny.
All people who are not like me are bad, and EVERY one of them do not deserve the things I have, because like me they did not earn them.
Once again, why do we seem to find and dwell on the differences between people and never the similarities.
And why do we insist on "All" and EVERY?"
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