Just a few tidbits that do not sit well with me and items I believe need not go unnoticed or undone.
I just sent an email to Senator Chris Dodd of Connecticut. Seems he has prostate cancer, and thankfully detected it early enough that he will recover. Senator Dodd made an emotional speech about how lucky he was to have some of the finest health coverage in the U.S. and had it not been for the GOVERNMENT run health insurance he receives as Senator, he might not be lucky enough to have found the prostate cancer in time.
Apparently if you have the type of insurance that the U.S. Government elected officials and Government employees have you need not worry about tests pre- screenings, specialists and treatments to make you better, and to keep you healthy.
Nice words from the Senator, whose health could have taken a turn for the worse but because we the tax payers are paying for his coverage, was able to take advantage of his insurance and get treatment.
But words do not undo a deed divisive and nasty. Saying he wishes all Americans could have the same coverage as he (Senator Dodd) and all of his colleagues does not make the coverage happen.
What would be nice is for (Senator Dodd, or Senator Ted Kennedy who is in the throws of brain cancer or Senator Byrd from West Virginia who has more ailments than most people have in their life), to stand on the Senate floor and if it took 24/48/72 hours scream at the other Senators as to why they are so privy to good health care at the tax payers expense, while most Americans are not.
I am so tired of words which it seems never connect to action.
Marie Antoinette of French fame told her citizens "...let them eat cake..." She lives a life of special treatment, considerations never given to the common people, and thought she was above and beyond any and all mere citizens.
Thankfully she had her neck removed from her body.
When do the "common people" of this country inform our elected nobility that they are not different than we are. That they DO NOT deserve special treatment. That their GOVERNMENT run health insurance works well enough for them so it certainly should suit all of us just as fine.
Ask Senator Orin Hatch of Utah (R), who has been in the Senate for over 30 years how his "socialist" run health insurance plan operates. Bet he has never paid a cent for coverage. But he is hell bent to tell the American public we need to be patient, and that government run health insurance is not the answer. Not the answer! Then why over the past 30 years Senator have you not declined such awful and poorly run health insurance?????
Does this double sided, hypocritical B. S, not boil your blood? It does mine. Does this, its good for me but you don't deserve it attitude make you mad as hell, does this we can't afford it for you, but we can pay for it for us nonsense make you sick?
When do we stop the self serving madness?
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