Kind of frustrating for me to say the least.
I wrote to my Senator, Barbara Boxer from California. Ms Boxer does a great interview on the Rachel Maddow show, "giving 'em hell Harry." She rants and raves makes the appropriate faces of disgust when mentioning her Republican colleagues, and listening to her interview, you want to cheer Senator Boxer on. Sort of a "you go girl", feeling.
So I asked, in my letter to Senator Boxer, why not take your vim vigor and vital words of dismay regarding your peer group of Ivory Tower living cohorts and chastise them on the Senate floor. I went on to ask why not try and embarass her fellow senators and ask them to defend the lies they preach to the uneducated and angry masses. Take each fabrication of truth and ask them to find where those words are found in the Presidents package.
Senator Boxer seems to have a lot to say on television, so why not call her anti democratic pals for what they are to their faces, and debunk the myths, lies and innuendoes?
The email I received from her was just a list of allllllllllllll the wonderful things the Senator has done in her career.
Sent a letter to Senator Dodd. I congratulated him on having good enough health coverage to have been able to spot his prostate cancer early enough and get the right treatments. Seems the senate, have the kind of coverage that allows for pre screening, any amount of tests necessary and no pre conditions. They also get Government sponsored care as we the taxpayer pay for it.
I asked Senator Dodd to call upon Senator Kennedy and Senator Byrd, (all three democrats recently fell prey to poor health conditions), to have the three of them stand on the senate floor and remind their fellow socialized medicine Republican counterparts to talk about how lucky they were to have he best health care in the country. Then to ask one another out loud why can't ALL Americans have the same government run, paid for health care plan.
In my letter I asked Senator Dodd to ask his buds on the Senate floor, why what is good for elected Government officials is not good enough for ALL Americans?
But when I sent my email to Senator Dodd's office, the response I got is that he has no obligation to respond to anyone who does not live in Connecticut.
I sent a letter to Orin Hatch a Senator from Utah in office for over 30 years. I asked him how it felt to never have to pay for health premiums for he and his family for over 30 years. I asked him if he even knew what the average family pays for health care, that is if they can get it or afford it. I asked him if he even was an appropriate senator to comment on the state of health care reform due to the fact he is so far removed from real life?
His email response was thanks.
So many people making decisions for ALL of us seem so far removed from this world and this life. When do we take back our rights? When do we get people who listen and work for us not their own personal agendas?
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