But the Senator, has left us with two long lasting lying loons who still haunt us in the waning days of 2009, and who still remind us of why Senator Mc Cain would not have made a great "decider", (I quit my job) ex Governor Sarah Palin, and (I am the "everyman" but not really a plumber), Joe the Plumber.
Both gas filled ill drawn cartoons are still out and about expounding mistruths, lighting fires, and hardly ever finishing a sentence, but able bodied enough to tell the masses the kind of truth they want to hear.
I didn't vote for the Mc Cain/Palin/Plumber ticket, but boy I am sure stuck with the greasy residual left from a group smarmy, self promoting, I come first loser personalities who seem to never go away.
And speaking of Joe the Plumber,( except I never became liscened to be a plumber), he and another "fav" Republican lie monger, Glenn Beck are both in the news for the same thing.
Seems in this country it is now okay if you label yourself as red white and blue, good christian Republican, to announce ways of either killing or beating up the Speaker of the House.
Yep Mister Beck announced on his program on Fox, that he would love to take Ms Pelosi to dinner and at the end poison her. Not once, nope fill her glass of wine a few times and make sure she dies with her head on the dinner plate. But not to be outdone, the Plumber, told a crowd of evangelical white supremacists, that "where he comes from, being a bully is a good thing", and if Joe had his way he would take the Speaker behind the out house and beat her up.
Part of the explanation for this need to kill or harm the Speaker of the House the third in line to be President if anything should happen to the President and VP, is because, "...after all she (Pelosi) is a woman from the Bay area.
Wonder when shouting fire in the theater is finally no longer free speech but considered dangerous and hate speech?
A note of caution here that troubles me immensely.
It seems once again those who have no backbone nor ideas or conscience or morals values or ethics are gaining support from a very low common denominator. It seems to me that
we do need to worry about how stupid people think. We need to worry about fact based on bigotry. We do need to worry about leading lemmings to the cliff, and we need to wonder where will this lead?
I thought we had 8 years of evil?
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