I believed that bad deeds would find consequence and good deeds would find honor.
But living in the 21st century I am crestfallen to discover that my beliefs about bad and good seem to have lost their punch. I am finding that the rewards seem to be greater for those greedier, gluttonous, and gross than those altruistic, sensitive and sincere.
The story about Wall Street has died. We have moved on, but who really paid the price for bad, selfish greedy decisions. The average investor? What did he/she receive after losing their savings? Did they receive the same compensation the fired CEO's of the banks and mortgage companies got? Did the middle class American investor get the same "golden parachute" as the "bigwigs" from Wall Street? Who is still living high on the hog, Mr. & Mrs. Average American or the CEO's from the lenders who through selfish behavior created the mess?
Look at the thousands of unemployed auto workers, laid off, fired removed from their jobs. It was a grand gesture to remove the CEO of General Motors for his lack of proactive thoughtful, insightful management. But who is still enjoying the good life? the blue collar workers who are running out of unemployment or having to spend hundreds more dollars on COBRA Health Care, or the CEO with his multi-million dollar contract pay out?
How about the politicians who accept bribes or gifts from lobbyists? How about when they are found out to have committed fraud, libelous acts, committed perjury? What do they get? They get kicked of office at the worst, and usually a teeny tiny censure from their cohorts in crime and go on to receive their health plan, and pension. What do the American taxpayers get? The privilege to pay the bills.
And now there is a new breed of bad versus good. The Health Care Reform conversation has now become the newest lament of evil doing that the Republican leadership has spawn. All of the top talking heads of Republican leadership under the direction of the leading Pharmacy -Conglomerates or for Profit Health Carriers are now taking the truth and turning it into lies and garbage. And the uneducated, fearful, easy targeted group of American who let others think for them are buying the case of crap.
And once again a person who has lied about her career in office, has denied saying things found on video and audio, who left office as Governor of Alaska because she has about 15 potential investigations into her immoral, unethical behavior is weighing in on the topic and spewing hate and fear.
Sarah Palin playing politics, looking for the loser lemmings, fostering fear from the bigoted now says the President's health Plan will kill seniors. Her misinterpretation of a "living will", a piece of legal document allowing people who are dying to request how they die, who receives their inheritance is being misconstrued, misrepresented and misquoted by a woman who is only self serving and selfish.
It astonishes me that a small majority of people can not see through this charade. It annoys me that bad is trumping good, it angers me that the evil deeds do not go punished.
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