I am wondering if the Culture of this country is in such state of flux that fiction is fact, inaccuracies are accurate, hatred is based on the bigoted Biblical blabber, and truth is conveniently altered for fabrication, fable and falsehoods?
I am wondering why the smart people are not making the news. I am wondering why the so called main stream news outlets would rather create the news story then take the time to fact check, research, and repudiate the shenanigans, and manufactured falsehoods in front of their very eyes.
I am wondering why we must always reach the lowest common denominator in social norms, intelligence, and behavior to appeal to the masses, and be so afraid of trying to raise the bar?
I am wondering why the Democrats have no backbone and the Republicans use their soulless, unconscionable, bullying behavior and seemingly get to control the agendas of Americans?
I am wondering why the Christian Evangelical Right are never challenged as to having dibs on God, and that their perception of Gods thoughts seemed to never be challenged.
I am wondering why the Institution of Marriage can withstand cheating, adulterous behavior, infidelity of Heterosexual couples, but the minute an LGBT couple want to wed the Institution becomes a "Leaning Tower of Pisa".
I am wondering why raising children in a loving family environment with two parents (same or opposite sex) who educate, nurture, comfort and care is worse then raising children in a home where there is constant hate speech, fear mongering, and bigotry?
I am wondering why LGBT's are seemingly more powerful then Allah, or Jesus or Ha Shem? Why our loving one another will destroy any and all power God has?
There is so much to wonder about, wouldn't it be nice if once in this current life time some real wondrous things took place: like universal health care, equality for all in every aspect of American life, trickle up economics, religions which welcomed instead of deny, and life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all of us.
I am just wondering...
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