Why is it for some of us, that we would rather lazily hear the fiction about issues that matter gravely to us then take the time and discover the facts and forge forward with better knowledge and understanding?
Why is it for some of us, one sided seems totally alright in listening to a debate?
Why is it for some of us, opinions matter more than truth, or facts, or educated information?
Why is it for some of us, we refuse to see the other side, if the other side conflicts with what we think is correct, or we assume is just?
Why is it for some of us, we hardly question those presenting their point of view, but because they look like us, think like us, pray to the same God as us, we selfishly let them speak for us?
Why is it for some of us, the louder we shout, harder we yell, the more we scream, the better we think our point will be heard?
Why is it for some of us, we refuse to listen to the other side for fear if we do, someone else may get a bigger piece of the pie, a larger share of the profit, an easier life then we?
Why is it for some us, communication comes in sound bytes, interruptions, name calling, fear mongering, intimidation, and absolutely little to no "give and take"?
Why is it for some of us, if we continue to act this way more distance than proximity, more difference than similarity, more diseased discourse than delightful dalliances will be the norm.
And nothing will be made whole for some of us?
Why is it?
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