The Republican leadership only offers negatives or suggestions which usually reward the rich and the large corporations, and they are once again showing off their one and only skill set which is divide and conquer, lie and deceit, create a mob rule mentality, BUT never ever allow discussion or discourse because that might lead to democracy.
It seems the Republican, are not trying to find solution or resolution regarding Health Care Reform, but are looking for disarray and disgust screaming and screeching instead of words wise and worldly.
A town hall meeting in a democratic society is usually the crown jewel in letting the people (the electorate) have their input and ideas demonstrated. Seems that the Republicans are adverse to reason and rationale, and deem the town hall too dangerous in perhaps uncovering the truth about health care, and uncovering the lies and falsehoods listed on behalf of the pharmacological conglomerates and the lobbyists for the "big business of health insurance companies who have funded the Republican leadership.
The same group of leadership from the Republican ranks who gave the U.S. the failures of "trickle down economics", "weapons of mass destruction", "shock and awe", "no child left behind", "wire taping" are poisoning town hall meetings. Their paid for goons filled with their own bigoted, biased, self loathing viruses, are now interrupting and dismantling any semblance of question answer, fact verse fiction at a town hall meeting which actually might enlighten and educate a confused public.
But as we have learned over the past 8 Bush/Cheney years, truth, integrity, honesty, and sincere responsiveness to the American public is not a priority.
The problem is that in this country it seems the louder you are, the more dramatic your rant and rave is made, the more tantrums and outrage that can fit into a 30 second news sound byte, the more play it gets. And if anything, we have learned that the Republican leadership loves to destroy and not build, tear apart and never mend, forget fact and replace it with well rehearsed and written fiction.
And if the Republicans and their band of mad men and women all afraid of a Black President, or told that Government is going to take away their guns so you can't take them with you to the doctors office, or all doctors will now perform abortions without consent or socialized medicine will kill you before it cures you, get THEIR way, the only winners will once again be the Pharmaceutical Companies and the for profit Heath Insurance Carriers.
And the saddest thing is, the same people protesting change, don't even realize that the change they fear the most just might set them free.
And anyone with a touch of conscience or an understanding that left to their own devices the Insurance and Pharmaceutical Giants will rig up, hike up, raise up prices and the only satisfied customer will be the Republican leadership who will receive big bonuses for their deed with the devil.
We all seem so smart to have figured this out, so why is it still happening?
Just makes no sense does it!
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