Sunday, February 28, 2010

fear the fear monger

When do we begin to fear the fear monger?

When do we begin to understand that those who keep on chanting and chastising and complaining about our culture are the boggy men in disguise?

When do we catch on to the malicious marketing tactics of those who want to keep the masses uneducated, underemployed, and overly anxious? Who wish to patronize the individuals who can't figure out fiction from fact? Who know that the less of the truth you tell the more of the lie lays waiting to trap and confuse?

When do we fight fire with honesty and ethic? When do we squelch the symphonies from psychopaths who turn into sycophants and rally against the rich and powerful only to become elitist and wealthy themselves?

When do we stop believing that the Tea Party Movement represents the real need of an average American but instead is a showcase for bigots and unhappy humans who blame anyone but themselves for their sad existence?

When does the Independent voter stop pretending that it makes sense to consider members of the Republican Party as wanting to do anything for this country but continue his/her job as a Senator, Congressperson or Governor or as a recipient of Lobbyists?

When do we stop listening as the Christian Right crusade to save the souls of those THEY deem as dangerous, while they (the Christian Right) build mega churches, build higher and higher Ivory Towers, and refuse to do God's word but relish in the fact of doing human damage?

When do we begin to ask that truth be spoken? When do we acknowledge it is the fear of change that frightens us, not the idea of change? When do we admit that consensus means listening, debating, asking, sharing? When do we realize that differences does not create distance? When do we try to find common ground and not separate paths?

When is it too late to return to our senses? When do we stop letting history repeat itself? When do we rediscover that talk of secession created the Civil War of the 1860's, that denial of rights caused civil unrest of the 1960's, that the trickle down tax theory caused our civilization to dramatically drown the poor and delight the rich in the 1980's, and that calling people Communists only made the bully's bolder in the 50's and calling people Socialists and Nazi's in the 2010's permits extremists the chance to hide the truth?

I am afraid that once the genie is out of the bottle, once pandora's box has been opened, once the ignorant shout louder than the smart, once the innuendo replaces the truth, once those who hate become the hero we all suffer and nothing gets back to normal.

I am afraid if we pretend not to care, decide not to ask, relegate the facts to the fools, agree that falsehoods and fables are fine, ignore the intelligent, want quick remedy, feel free to divide and conquer, then American life, American Democracy dies.

Who is next to be hated, to be chastised, to be labeled as bad? Who is next to be anti American, the anti Christ, anti good?

When do we finally fear the fear monger and fight back? When?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

i just don't understand

I am not sure if I quite understand Capitalism and the American way.

I understand that it is important to: work hard… strive for better… provide for your family… become educated… define a dream and set out to achieve it…make money, spend some of it/save some of it/ reinvest some of it….pull yourself up from your own bootstraps…pay your fare share of keeping America great…”life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”.

What I do not understand is: when work dries up why are you left to fend for yourself…when better is all you want why do you have to make choices between shelter, food or health…when family values are the essence of the American way why are programs for educating youth, working parents, after school activities the first to die the death of lack of funding…dreams are dashed when minimum wage defines just how much glory you can gain…when /making money is only to survive/saving money is not a viable option due to groceries, rent, mortgages, health care/reinvesting money only happens if you are the upper financial echelon of the American economy…when you own no boot to pull yourself up from its strap…paying your fair share gets you less of a share as compared to others who decide they are too rich to pay their share…life is just making it to that night’s sleep, liberty has an expensive price tag, and pursuing happiness has to wait until you pay all the bills.

I don’t understand why Health Care is a for profit business. Why would someone make money on an individual’s life? Why decisions of doctors’ appointments, exams, prescription drugs are even placed as a question; can I pay for it, do I need it, and can it wait?

I don’t understand why nowadays an educated person is considered Un-American? Why is being smart enough to consider consensus, to provide possibilities, to debate decisions considered arrogant, unpatriotic, and wrong?

I don't understand why the men and women who live on Wall Street, never to own a home on Main Street but seem to live on some private road?

I am not sure why Capitalism and the American Way seem only be like a fraternity where you nepotism and influence allow you in the frat house?

Just kind of frustrating, and I am not sure why!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


"This is the objective. The objective is unemployment. The objective is more food stamp benefits. The objective is more unemployment benefits. The objective is an expanding welfare state. And the objective is to take the nation's wealth and return to it to the nation's quote, "rightful owners." Think reparations. Think forced reparations here if you want to understand what actually is going on." Rush Limbaugh explained the entire Obama economic program on one of his radio programs by summing up that the President has created unemployment, the recession and the dour economy so he, (Obama) a reversed racist, can provide reparations to another segment of the population ( the non white demographic).

The Tea Party Movement, the John Birch Society, the "birthers", the "truthers" and a dozen of our elected Republican Congress people hurriedly embraced Mister Limbaugh's conclusion, and without any ounce of fact, pronounced it the truth.

As is the case in America of 2010 the FOX News phonies created a debate, all sides pro the statement of course, and the Neo Cons chimed in that if we don't watch out the America we used to know will subside in a sea of reparations meant for "other folk" the uppity kind.

And the people so fearful and resentful that anyone might be better than they, anyone who didn't earn their success, anyone who is not a real American, thought that only "those" reparation seeking low lives would get something they do not and did not deserve. And most importantly take away from the true Americans, the Evangelical White folk, all the deserved and supposed be earned piece of the American pie.

The President is summoning a "transparent" meeting with the reluctant Republican leadership on Thursday, to discuss Health Reform. The Republicans had asked for this meeting and upon the acceptance of their request and at the popular request of most Americans to try and reach a bi-partisan conclusion of the Reform Bill, the President, the reversed racist President agreed. Now through statements from leadership like minority leader John Boehner , (is this more of a theatrical can I show up without knowing how big the room is...) to not hold this event, republicans reluctantly will attend.

But to demonstrate the solidarity of "no" based on nothing more than belligerent hate, and pronounced bias, Rush Limbaugh has reinstated his comments about reparations by adding that the only reason the President is pursuing this outrageous Health Reform Bill is two part. First, to create a rift in this country between the RICH and those who want to be RICH, (the slave owners of early America and their property) and cow towing to those who can not even read the Health Care Bill, expect the Government to pay for everything, and related to the "half white" President.

On today's Rush Limbaugh's radio hate fest, Mr. Limbaugh reiterated how its all about reparations, stupid. So under employed, recently laid off, unemployed Americans who need to decide to pay the rent, the mortgage, buy groceries OR pay an outrageous monthly tab for Health Insurance really do not need Health Reform, they/we just expect reparations. Any American down on his/her luck do not deserve any Government support for something many of them did not cause. And WE all are just a bunch of reparation loving unpatriotic, live on the dole ungrateful "half white" damned citizens.

If Rush Limbaugh was not THE most popular radio entertainer on the air, his stupid, lame, bigoted remarks could be laughed at. But millions of Americans lap at his every fictitious fact-less frivolous fine tuned filth.

Reparations, indeed! Maybe rights, equal rights. Shame on you Rush. But bigger shame to those who need someone else to think for you. Lemming like is so ugly and dumb. How do we stop the Rush?

Monday, February 22, 2010



We are told by many that politics should be about principle; that the way we vote for our Elected Officials is often based on the compatibility of our principles.

We are told by many that good ethics and morals make anyone running for an elected office the right candidate. The principles of the person create the edge, promote the motivation, provide the reason to believe; resulting in our vote!

And yet we have a so called political movement in this country which shouts loud and clear about some kind of principle, but surrounds itself around Politicians who lie, fabricate, deny and oppose. We have people who have replaced principle with fear, bigotry, bias and hate.

We have the Tea Party Movement who meld into the Ultra- Conservative mind set, who accept members of the John Birch Society, who tolerate "birthers" and "truthers", who try to identify as a grass roots group of Americans, but seem to want to divide and conquer. We have a group of people who now approve of inviting the Aryan Nation, members of the Ku Klux Klan, secessionists and militias to join them in their war to make America pure. Pure from what?

We have the Tea Party Movement which seems to gain notoriety and claims to be the spokes group for a group of Americans told to be afraid of their current Government,( its too big when it is trying to help create jobs or equalize medical care)... Socialism, (each man and maybe woman should pull themselves up from their own bootstraps, the rich deserve to be rich because they earned their money honestly)... and people that are different...people of color (they may gain too much power and more Obama like individuals may run for office)... LGBT, they will surely suck the soul from your children, immigrants (our ancestors came to this country because it was a white nation, anyone of color does not fit in).

The Tea Party Movement has hero's, each individual they idolize cares not for the truth (Glenn Beck has been on video and audio making remarks about global warming, bring arms against the Government accusing others in a very sly McCarthyistic manner of being Communists, but when shown or played his negative remarks insists they were taken out of context),... can rewrite history (Dick Cheney has his version of the Iraq War water boarding, terrorism a version proven over and over again to be just a sick mindset of a very delusional man),... and will not be questioned about their commentary because they said it, and they have principles. (Sarah Palin can rant and rave and never be debated about the litany of lies she propagates. She sometimes refuses that cameras be permitted a her speaking engagements.)

And the Tea Party Movement is backed by Evangelicals, Pro Family Anti Abortion/Gay groups who swear on their Bible and quote scripture. They proclaim that their God (a God who chooses lemmings, who likes only some people, who cares little for the poor, or the educated, who did not create all Americans equal is speaking from the soap box at the "pearly gates" with a voters ballot in his hand.

And we are to believe that this Tea Party Movement is created from and for Americans who want principle to be placed back in our Government. We are told to believe that the average Tea Partier is honest, sincere, an equal opportunity hater, a non bigoted bully who wants change, but change they decide suits them.


When did many Americans stop caring about it? When did many Americans decide that selfish, greedy, gluttony, gross misconduct become the new definition for principle?

Why are those who understand the definition of principle so deaf and dumb? Why are those so tired of hypocrisy, unfairness, inequality, allowing the bully brigade to run wild, thus creating the agenda for America?

There is a common slogan used by the LGBT community that says "silence equals death". I am afraid if those who have real principle remain silent then Americans will surely face the death of democratic principles.

Friday, February 19, 2010

it's for whose children?

“It’s for the kids”! “We are making tough choices, only for the kids.” “Think of the children”.

It seems adults love to hide their own hate, bigotries, and fears in the guise that what they do and say has only one goal…to save the kids. The tough decisions are not made because any reason or rational was used, nope it is done with the purist intentions of saving the children. Saving them from what from whom?

It seems adults like to mask their own personal agendas, irrational remarks or behavior in the cloak of “a better human is a religious human”. The supposed laws we learn from the many books of virtue and ethics, (the New Testament, the Torah, the Koran, the Book of Mormon), comfort our bias’s and permit us to pretend what we do on Earth is from a higher power nature. We do God’s work. But we only do God’s work if we can make it fit our human weaknesses.

*In Utah, a Mormon and state senator, Chris Buttars ( R ) told the Utah Public Education Appropriations Subcommittee earlier this month that many students squander away their senior year, making it unnecessary expense and a way to alleviate the large Utah budget shortfall. He said eliminating 12th grade altogether would have saved $102 million.

“You’re spending a whole lot of money for a whole bunch of kids who aren’t getting anything out of that grade,” he said. It comes down to the best use of money.

It’s for the kids, so don’t spend the money because the kids aren’t learning. Don’t try and use the same amount of dollars to institute a more suitable curriculum, or a plan to motivate seniors from floundering, or an infusion of the same dollars to establish an innovative and relevant curriculum. Nope when the budget bottom line is more important, blame the kids, and punish them for being kids.

*The Catholic Archdiocese of Washington D.C. has ended its 80-year tenure as a public foster care provider because of a same-sex marriage bill in the nation’s capitol that allows children to be adopted by homosexual couples. The move by Catholic Charities and Archbishop Wuerl came to fruition since the D.C. Council bill, among other things, would require foster care groups under contract with the District to allow and facilitate adoption of foster-care children by homosexual couples.

The policy violates the moral teaching of the Catholic Church, which says that only one man and a woman can be untied in marriage and that together with their children they form a family.

But Priests violating the bodies of girls, women and young boys is not immoral. The morality of finding loving, caring adults who want to make a home for “the children”, who will comfort many who otherwise will flounder aimlessly without a true family, is not valued. Dogma has a more valuable moral even when it does not permit a child a sense of primacy with loving adults. Compassion for the children is unimportant as long as bigotry reigns.

In the state of California local education officials warned state legislators, you know those who claim family values (be they Catholic, Jewish, Protestant, Evangelical Christian), that proposed state budget cuts could force schools to squeeze more kids into classrooms and prompt massive layoff of teachers.

One option by the California legislature would mean-increasing K-3 classroom sizes to 30 students instead of the current 20. In addition to class size reduction, textbook purchasing would be cut, tutoring to low-income students would end, free or reduced-price school lunches would be slashed and perhaps a school week of 4 days.

The budget crisis is real, and has left a dramatic imprint in the state of California. But if all we hear is that to “help our kids… we must include education… and that quality education is the key item to success as an adult…” why even consider some of the cuts toward “the children”?

We as a nation have been lectured to that what we do is “for the children”. The Congress shouts atop a mighty soap box that they can not allow the deficit to haunt their grandchildren, yet refuse to do much about it but politic. We hear the Family Value vultures yell and scream that the only reason why they are anti same-sex marriage is for the protection of the innocence of the children. We hear church leaders pontificate about their morals being greater than the gay or the abortionist, or the adulterer, or the next perceived anti-Christ bad guy. They are doing God's business in God’s name to save the children.

When it is beneficial to camouflage bigotry, uneducated heresy, hatred, contempt in a “it’s for the children quilt, all the demigods rally round and revel in their good deeds. When they all can actually make a difference a direct and measurable difference in the lives of the children, they look the other way, find excuses, they blame finances, they forget God's name, and they do nothing productive.

Hypocrisy reigns! And for whose children is it?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

pandora's pandering box

The talk from self described conservatives in the Tea Party movement is less Government involvement in their lives. Tea Party “wanna be” politicians like Rick Perry (R) Texas Governor are all about secessionism and autonomous states rights. Members of the Tea Party and their newly aligned partners from the Aryan Nation, John Birch Society, and Militias talk about waging a war if necessary to get what they want. And the entire newly formed web of anti government groups have a huge arsenal of arms which they say they are not afraid to use to get what they wish for.

Glenn Beck a McCarthy like self proclaimed and self indulgent “entertainer” from FOX not so much NEWS is able to spew lies and fabrication, misinterpret the truth. There is no one from the corporation which hired him to set standards of honest and precise. Mister Beck can twist the words of others, delete parts of a speech from his enemies, and deny his own words, and no one in any position of authority from FOX bothers to correct the inaccuracies. And Beck’s fans follow his every hypocritical, misleading, bigoted, uneducated tirade as if he (Beck) was the new Messiah. Glenn Beck is a master of saying out loud to the camera or over the airwaves, all the biased baloney his viewer’s envelope for those they deem different.

The Republican’s in Congress have decided that no matter how valued the cause, or how much the changes suggested by President Obama may encourage a better life for Americans, or how important it is to provide jobs, health care, fight the domination of corporate greed, they (the Republicans) will not budge on one issue and refuse to assist in any policy which may be positive for anyone else but them. In holding tight to their position of self service is better, the Republicans camouflage their selfish acts into soothing words for a group of people fearful, unable to look inward, and who prefer “we versus they”. Tell minions anything they want to hear, define the enemy for the peons, and keep the underclass uneducated.

At first the Progressives in this country gloated, and grinned at the GOP in exile. The Liberals said America has spoken, they found out who the boogie man was and now want honesty and sincere in office. The majority of voters, who elected a Democrat President, and a large Democrat Congress, felt we would receive “change we could believe in”. Most people scoffed at a rag tag remnant remaining of the Republican Party; they must see the writing on the wall, they must hear the consensus of the people and behave, become relevant. Those who saw past color, past inequality, past demagoguery believed we had a chance to start all over again for the first time.

But a year into the new Presidents term of office, a scary, no a frightening phenomena is surrounding this country. Someone opened Pandora’s Box. Someone, unwrapped a box with poisonous, pious indignation, pompous self promoting purpose, and party politics which portend to smother any breath of understanding, unification for the United States. Someone allowed Pandora’s Box to go unchecked in its violent, virulent, venomous attack on right, just, fair, and honest. The opening of the box has allowed lack of tolerance for anything perceived different, permitted lack of ownership for self responsibility, promoted a lack of understanding of a greater good. And the prize inside the box is becoming an overwhelming ogre wanting to identify an enemy and destroy it.

Who can we turn to, to protect what is becoming a fragile Democracy? Where are the Edward R. Murrow’s to take to the airwaves and denounce the wild accusations of paranoid pundits? Where are the Martin Luther Kings to insist justice and equality run rampant for all people? Where are the Louis Brandeis’ to mold a Supreme Court that looks to the good for individuals not the profits of corporations? Where are the Margaret Meads who understood the connection between society and religion, disavowing the dogma of either to take a foothold? Where are the real Americans, not Joe the Plumber, or Sarah Palin, the profiteer, or Rush Limbaugh the gluttonous goon?

The Pandora Box is open and soon, if we do not take back control and place the lid shut, America will suffer with fear replacing fortitude, ridicule replacing reason, mayhem replacing measure, and chaos replacing character.

It seems change is happening in America, just what kind of change?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

games people play

When did politics become a game? When did decisions of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, become fodder for partisan politics, and the cozy comfort game of cat and mouse for career politicians?

When did it no longer matter that the people’s business was a priority, replaced by the personal gains of Government goons who are bought and sold by lobbyists, corporations and rogue religious renegades? Senator Joe Lieberman, whose state of Connecticut is home to the largest amount of Pharma-Conglomerates in the country, says he can not support Health Reform. He says it is not what the people want. Which people, Joe, your constituents or your war lords?

When did Republicans learn how to say one thing, then receive pressure from a fringe group of loud lunatics, change their mind in mid course, and act as if the proposals and policies they suggested were never on the table? How many times will John McCain say one thing, then change his mind, blame others for putting false words to the media, only to be shown a video of he (McCain ) speaking the words he refuses to admit having said?

When did fact become fiction? When did the lack of evidence, the misuse of quotes, and the sheer audacity of indulgence become the way to disprove a point, never making any effort to prove a point? According to Glenn Beck the snow storm in Washington proves that the globe is not getting warmer, how could it if there is snow! “Take that, Al Gore”, Mister Beck added.

When did an educated individual become less of an American, and an undereducated cretin become the poster child fro a true Patriot? When did it become right to demand and wrong to debate? When did the Bible usurp the Constitution? The new menace to this country as espoused at the first annual Tea Bag Convention in Nashville stated that anyone who went to an Ivy League College has socialism leanings. And we are told by the Mayor of Lancaster California, that his is a Christian city, ruled by the laws of the New Testament, which has higher moral value than the man made rules of the Constitution. And he added for good measure, if you don’t like it, leave it!

When did amnesia seep into the collective conscience of the American voter? When did we suddenly forget the treachery, the hedonism, the paranoia, and the self serving practices of the Elected Officials of the Bush/Cheney Dictatorship of the last 8 years? Demon Dick Cheney is once again telling the crowds of cowards that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. He howls about how his water boarding brought terrorists to their knees. He harangues the current President as a fool for replacing torture with democratic principle.

When did the inmates over take the asylum? When did the “Birthers”, “the Birchers”, the “Baggers”, the “Bullies” become the boss? When did sane, civil, kind, concerned leave the premises? When did the intelligent stop thinking? And when did the dumb dethrone the Democracy?

We can foolishly languish in thinking fewer Republicans in office mean more do good Democrats doing our business. We can proudly say I voted for change, and leave the change dangling on a vine as low hanging fruit, easy to be fed on by predators. We can say none of the bums are any good anyway so who cares. We can say vote the bums out and replace them with newer more polished bums. We can just do nothing and allow our fates to be replaced with the Politicians fortunes. We can pretend that tax cuts for the wealthy, no health care reform, no jobs bill, no climate change legislation, no equal rights for all minorities and no establishment of truth in advertising, or in stating the facts are IMPORTANT!

We can move back to the days of the 50’s when men were men, only white only straight, and women were women, paid less and just house wives. We can move back to the 50’s when McCarthyism ruled the minds of millions asking the question “are you now or have you ever been…”(fill in the blank…born in America, an immigrant, a true Christian, a heterosexual, a college educated snob, a Patriot…) We can move back to the 50’s and become xenophobic, homogeneous, paranoid.

But why?

When did politics become a toy that only a self select few feel they can play with and abuse? When do the people in the phrase “We the PEOPLE…” take back the governing, the sense and sensibility of this great nation? When do we refuse to allow the lemming to lead? When will coming to our senses be too late?

Monday, February 15, 2010

once more with Dick Cheney

Dick Cheney was back on the talking head stump, and made the rounds on television pre-empting the truth about the past 8 years with lies, and fabrications, delusions of grandeur, and pure self serving fact less statements.

As is usual for FOX foolish network, little to any correction of fact, or any rebuttal as to what history really demonstrated was offered and the ex Dictator went on and on spewing sinister innuendo and evil words of what he wished happened, but never was.

Whatever happened to seeking the truth, learning the facts and letting those in power know their abuse is over? Whatever happened to individuals wanting to seek the answers, as hard as they may seem to discover, instead of settling for the easy way out? When do the sane inherit the earth, and the lame let it go?

I grow so frustrated when the "bad" guy seems to win the battle. We just lived through 8 years of total disregard for any one poor, any one in a minority, any one but the wealthy, the corporations, the greedy. We voted out the bums and seem to want to vote them back in. Is it that human nature forgives the pain and punishment, but ignores the trying and the true. Are we so stupid as a collective nation that we still adore Sarah Palin, go breathless with Glenn Beck, and self- stim over Rush Limbaugh and not see that all they do is for their own fame and fortune?

When do we become wise? Is it easier to blame others pointing outward never inward?Do we want to ignore the truth hoping that the lies will solve the terrible conditions we find ourselves living? Have we become accustomed to denial, and averse to debate? Have we grown satisfied with villains, and allergic to hero's? Have we refused to listen, and only talk?

There are a whole bunch of Bush/Cheney lemmings still out and about trying to rewrite history; trying to keep the ignorant in a blissful hypnotic state of unreal. Trying hard to save their ass so when the day comes and someone smart, someone with true love of this country comes to power, they (the Bush/Cheney -ites) can say we were just following orders. We were as gullible as the peons of people who followed our every lie.

Dick Cheney does not go away. His hacked history harangue echos loud. He is still applauded for deeds done from delusion. How much more should we permit this holocaust of the truth happen? When do we take back an America with values and ethics?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

a bottomless pit

When is it too late or too far to fall off of a cliff that if one fell from the edge the drop to a bottomless pit would be life ending and disastrous?

When does a philosophy, a concept, run out of reason only to begin to nag at fallacy and failure, sucking energy from its root, allowing its unmanageable tentacles to call the shots?

When does a grass root movement turn into revolutionary war? When does cause turn into chaos? And when does altruism turn into anarchy?

When does the evil nature of a movement rust through the marketed, flag wrapped, finger pointing façade and erupt into the faces of those who laugh, and mock it; thinking it (the Movement), will just envelop itself and disappear?

We are told by many a Republican politician and their ultra conservative pundits that the Tea Party Movement is dominated by God fearing, America loving, big government hating true blue citizens. We are told by many a Republican politician and their FOX News phonies that the Tea Party Movement represents the average American, the American who is afraid of liberal carefree liaise- faire actions. We are told that emotion and enthusiasm trump fact or knowledge; that if you care deeply enough you will rid yourself of the rules and rule your own destiny.

At the first ever Tea Party Convention, we were witness to a movement dominated by people whose vision of the government is conspiratorial and dangerously detached from reality.

At the first ever Tea Party Convention we heard the half term, FOX political analyst, ethics plagued, “mavericky” marvel, Sarah Palin point out how much of a socialist Obama is because he wants to take care of millions of Americans with jobs, and health care and education. Her highness, point fingers at others, never at myself (Palin) was joined by other convention speakers who not only accused Obama (never using the word President), of being a socialist in America, but as Steve Malloy, an author disputing any Climate Change or Global Warming, said “…Obama isn’t a U.S. socialist…he’s an international socialist…he envisions a one-world government…run by the U.N. (from all places) Manhattan…”

At the first ever Tea Party Convention we heard the keynote address delivered by Tom Tancredo, an ex Congressman from Colorado, and a former presidential candidate for the Republican nomination, who suggested that “ Barack Hussein Obama was elected partly because “we do not have a civics literacy test before people can vote…” (disputing the end of Jim Crow Laws which prohibited literacy or poll taxes to be a judge of an American citizens right to vote, which primarily was enacted in the South after the Civil War defeat of the Confederacy to keep the ex slaves from gaining any power or equality in this country.) Mr. “Racist” Tancredo continued his message of hate by adding, “…Or [ elected] by people who could not even spell ‘vote’ or say it in English…these people put a committed socialist ideologue in the White House…” (To be true racist, you need not only hate the Blacks but any other color other than white or sun tanned whites.) And Mr. Tancredo received three, count ‘em three standing ovations, thumbs up from Palin and not a word of caution or conscience from any leading “main stream Republican elected official.

At the first ever Tea Party Convention a few other themes were iterated by speakers chosen because they were not liberal, nor Democrat, nor black, BUT true Americans. Less Government: The Tea Party delegates do not want socialism to come to this country, and any time the Government intervenes for the good of the people it is really to control the good people. Best Practices: What the Tea Party will provide is honest and fair practices. Never mind when facts are left out of an equation, or changing the answer to the question if the real answer does not suit the situation. Character: If you hate those certain anti –American people, (minorities, liberals, Ivy league educated, homosexuals, Muslims recipients of entitlement programs like pre school readiness, social security, Medicare) because they seem to be different than your norm, thus having no character. (Conservative politicians have character because they live by a Christian ethic, which after all is what this Christian country was founded on.) For the Children: What we do is never for our own selfishness, it is never to benefit our greed or gluttony , feed our bigotries our bias’s, nope it is for the next generation, you know the ones we raise to be just as hypocritical and hate filled as us.

When do we actually take seriously a movement that emulates the John Birch Society, the Ku Klux Klan, the Secessionists, the Brown Shirts of Germany, the McCarthy Era “Red Scare” Pious, and realize lack of motion, lack of voice, and lack of backbone permits the bully to win? When do we stop laughing and realize paranoid, self loathing, self victimizing individuals are intimidating gutless politicians and black mailing potential candidates into thinking “we know who you are and we will make sure you fail.”

When do we begin to call out the spineless, moral -less, unethical politicians who luxuriate in hate, deceit, and fear and those who refuse to speak the truth but scream the lies?

When do we stop allowing others to take us to the cliff and find that there is no turning back when the next step is only to fall into the abyss? When do we say enough is enough? When?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

populist movement

So, we are preached to, that America has become a nation filled with Populists, that the average American is tired of the same old game of politics. We are told that Americans want less Government control, a freer free market, Politicians to stop being partisan, and all incumbents need to be thrown out of office.

And, if you listen closely to most journalists and of course the deranged entertainers, calling themselves “fair and balanced”, prejudiced clowns of FOX News, the Tea Party Movement are the true representative of the new Populist movement.

The same Tea Party which held a convention in Nashville Tennessee and whose key note speaker Tom Tancredo proclaimed "...people who could not even spell the word 'vote' or say it in English, put a committed socialist ideologue in the White House...", followed by Sister Sarah Palin's false foibles and fact less fiction about an America that thrives in her empty mind.

In Germany, right before the Second World War officially started a band of brown shirted Germans, claiming that those of Aryan decent, non Jewish, heterosexual, born in Germany were the true inheritors of the German future. To be patriotic was to exclude, and limit who should be running the government. It was defined as a Populist movement, (The Nazi Movement), bringing back dignity, and pride to the fatherland, and anyone doubting that fact was an enemy of the state. Politicians worried about retaining their tenure as a member of the ruling party, so they acquiesced and could not shout Hiel Hitler faster and quicker. All personal standards and conscience were squelched, and one voice, one message became the mantra of the nation. If you were different, you did not belong. If you REALLLLLLLLLY were a true German than you followed the path established by Germans who knew better than you. Joining was your choice, to not join your consequence.

During the mid 40’s to the late 50’s in the USA, another so called Populist movement arose in our history; eventually being dubbed McCarthyism named for the efforts of one paranoid, delusional Senator. Senator Joe McCarthy, unchallenged, decided to reshape America into a nation he dreamed of; maneuvering the emotions of the minions of lost Americans into thinking they were the ones who demanded all Communists be banned.

“Are you now, or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party”, was the rallying cry of a true American to rid this nation of its woes. Blame the other guy for my personal weakness or failure, make him the scapegoat and things will brighten up for me was the motto of a good Communist hunter. The more it was chanted, the more it felt like a Populist outcry. Except its origins were not from the grass roots, instead it was created from seeds planted by the land owner—not the farmer.

The term McCarthyism has since been defined as ‘reckless, unsubstantiated accusations, as well as demagogic attacks on the character of political adversaries’. Look closely at the shenanigans the Republican Party/(Tea Party, speakers of the tea party Convention spoke about) currently uses and you can see how the actions of a defamed Senator ring loud and clear today.

I want change. I want politicians to stop worrying about their careers. I want an America with more equality, and less differences. I want Americans to make better decisions about the rules and regulations under which we live. But I do not want change or equality or decision making to be done with lies, innuendo, and deceit. I do not want the dogma of religious hypocrisy to define our laws. I do not want an enemies list, of those who do not speak the language or those who can not spell, or definitions by an uneducated few as to who IS an American.

A Populist movement in America is what America needs. A whack on the side of the head of our ingrained, Ivory Tower politicians is needed, and stuck like glue politicians who only vote for the advancement of their careers and not the advancement of the American people need to be replaced.

But not by people who hate, by people who prefer the "we" and "they" divisions, the people who listen to hypocritical Evangelicals who do as I say and not as I do, or angry white middle aged men who fear that any other demographic may be smarter and wiser than they.

I want a Populist movement that does repeat Germany in the 30's or 40's, or an America run by the likes of Joseph McCarthy in the late 40's and 50's. Or an America where the voice of knowledge, of wisdom of conscience is Sarah Palin.

Before the wise could stop the Nazi's, millions were murdered, before the smart could catch on to the Communist scare thousands of lives were ruined and American families destroyed. Before the Tea Party Movement gets so far right and so far radical, should we all not stop and wonder, what is next?

Monday, February 8, 2010

senators feinstein and boxer where are you?

Dear Senator Feinstein, and Senator Boxer,

In case you both were snowed in, in DC, or have refused to exit your ivory towers, or just forgot what it is like not to have the Government pick up the tab for Health Insurance; Anthem Blue Cross of California, the state in which you both are Senators, will be increasing its rates for individual policies beginning in March.

Now, I know, your favorite M.O. is to say that policies affecting just California, are the purview of local and state wide politicians, and you both need to be focused on national issues. You both usually remain quiet about anything California, and only peek into California politics when you are running for re-election. You make promises about helping Californians, and do your due diligence with a few "pork projects", so some bridge or park can be erected, giving you some kind of patronizing piece of mind.

Senator Feinstein, during the debate on Health Reform, I had to be reminded you were still in office. Your silence pro or con was deafening. Perhaps you had some doctor's appointments, second opinions, or had some prescriptions to pick up. I wonder if your tax payer provided Health Insurance kept you from considering, lets say, everyone else's insurance. ( You certainly demonstrated your "give 'em hell" attitude, when another California issue came to the fore., when you mentioned that "...the time is not right to consider Gay and Lesbian marriage..." It was a California ONLY issue (like health care expenses in California) but you managed to drop your (I am in the Senate so I only consider the "bigger" picture issues) to participate in the debate.

I wonder Senator Feinstein, once you get elected by the people, when is it you stop doing the work for the people?

Senator Boxer, where have you been? I know you were busy appearing on the Rachel Maddow Show. You proclaimed while being interviewed that if your colleagues voted against the Health Care Reform Bill, you would take the floor of the Senate and ask them,"why can't all Americans have the same coverage as the select few? You dramatically looked into the camera, the veins in your neck shuddering, and you too, like your cohort, Senator Feinstien, got your "give them hell" attitude, but to no avail, one the cameras went to black.

But then Senator Boxer, thee was SILENCE!

How about looking into your own backyard Senator Boxer. Remember us, us Californians? We are the ones you rediscovered now that your term of office is up and you need to come back home to hope we re-elect you. We still don't have Health Reform you know like the kind you and your colleagues have. And Senator Feinstein, per your inaction, and just a lot of blustery hot air posturing, our rates are on the incline. And guess what, if Anthem Blue Cross gets away with this, any other health Insurance provider in California will do the same. You know free market, free for the corporation, expensive for the public.

Madam Senators, when do you begin to wonder or worry about the people who once believed in your skill, your concern, your conscience? How hard is it to help? Is it easier to use excuses and not take action? Senator Feinstein, you have received free health insurance since 1992, 18 years living on the dole. Senator Boxer, you have been a recipient of tax payer funding for 20 years being both a Congress woman and Senator.

We in this country, are having a difficult time with any controls or equality in Health Care. We in California, are now going to struggle even more with the increase in rates. Where is your outrage, your assistance, your soul?

Senator Feinstein, Senator Boxer where are you? When do Californians count? When?

Friday, February 5, 2010

why is it?

I am just not sure why:

Why is it that in the world of finance, particularly Wall Street and Banking, the bigger the mistake you make, the more you get compensated for it? If you make money, lose it, but say you can’t be replaced because you are so good and there are few others as good as you, and remain arrogant you get rewarded. You insist the attempt was sincere, you cry foul of any and all critics, and you gloat about past successes, have a patronizing remorse for current failures and you bonus blasts off to the stratosphere. Why is it that most of us in say jobs that pay anywhere from nothing to almost nothing e make one mistake and there are no and's if's or but' are out on your butt!

Why is it that the “tea baggers” only find the Democrats to be the villain? Why was there no up roar on the amount of money the Bush Administration paid contractors, for no- bid contracts to produce useless and unsafe products for our Armed Forces, allowing Big Government to spend recklessly and frivolously with carte blanche and little to no oversight? Why was there no throwing of the tea in the river when Bush and the Republicans swore by tax breaks for the wealthy, with little to no trickle down as promised for 8 years to the middle class and poor? Why is it that Sister Sarah Palin can not pay back taxes, have the people of Alaska pay for things like a tanning machine, and her home repairs, and they (the tea baggers) celebrate her as key note speaker to their convention?

Why is it Sarah Palin can expound on any topic but never be held to the fire to produce fact? Why is it that no matter when she is caught on tape or video saying unsubstantiated, phony, ridiculous claims and fabrications she never has to answer to critics or apologize for misleading, misconstruing, or misrepresenting fact? Why is it Politicians, concerned Americans coddle and cajole Ms Palin’s every whims, insist she is one of us, when her actions past and present so blatantly demonstrate she is not? Why is it that if you hate for others, you are considered an icon, a person of valor?

Why is it not the business practice of the corporations paying at least $2 million for a 30 minute ad for the Super Bowl, to take a real blow at our current economic status, look at the consumers to whom whose ads they are promoting, and say this year we will spend half of our ad expense on the Super Bowl, and the other half will go to charities that serve the poor, homeless, under medically under insured. Why don’t they say we are spending an outrageous amount of dollars on an ad that has a life time of maybe a few months, but the dollars saved on media, can have a longer shelf life by saving a few million lives? Why is it we allow millions of dollars to be spent on frivolous and folly when real and needy go untouched?

Why is the Republicans saying "NO" of no consequence to Americans who feel that nothing is being done in Washington. Why is that the effort to make change by the Republicans which is to say in unison "NO", received by the true American Americans as more valuable than the attempts by Democrats to find a variety of possibilities to actually make the change? Why is it "NO" more patriotic than "YES"?

Why is it sane and normal people are so damn complacent and calm when all about them the bigots, the biased, the bogus are running wild? Why is it that smart and educated seems so blase and stupid and hateful so cool? Why is it we let the inmates run the asylum?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Lie, Sex Videotapes and Republicans

Lies, sex and videotape, the Republican way!

LIES: Seems virtue and value, morals and meaning, ethics and ethos are not part of the Republican agenda for America. Seems scheming, snide, sinister, sly, avoidance and argument are the keystones for stopping any progress and shutting down any promise.

The newest mole to surface from the depths of falsehoods and fabrications is Dr. Frank Luntz a noted communications professional, political consultant and pollster, working for the Republican National Committee. Dr. Luntz’s key skill is to educate the Republican’s in office and those seeking election as to what Americans perceive to be their hopes and fears.

According to Dr. Luntz, the fears must be the priorities, on which to focus, leaving little doubt in the minds of the voters that the Democrats are the people to fear and with them out of the way the hopes can be realized. He has told his minion of Republican compatriots that “lie about the truth, fictionalize the results, and keep on digging deeper and deeper into the fact that nothing can be resolved until the Democrats are out of office.”

He continues to tell the self righteous, America first, God bless the red white and blue opposition party, that speak in circles, speak against any suggestion made by the Democrats, and speak louder and angrier so the lemmings that listen will not have time to reason or make rational decisions. Blame the majority party for the ills of the past 8 years and remind the public that nothing has changed with the new administration in office. In other words lie as best you can.

As apparent as would seem to those with a functioning brain and an IQ of at least 50, the lies, fabrications and misdeeds, should be warning flags saying danger, danger these scoundrels are up to no good. But alas alack, a recent poll by The Daily Kos, finds that a majority of self identified Republicans believe every lie told to them regarding the President, the democratic Legislators and the rewriting of the past 8 years of American history.

SEX: Seems the sexual escapades of the Republican Elected Officials and those who croon the tune of higher moral value, God like behavior, the Bible trumps the Constitution, self proclaimed Evangelical Christians, can commit an adulterous act, an infinite amount of infidelity flings and not be burdened with their actions. The holier than thou not only pray away the sin or blame others for their action, can also become instant authors and rack in the dollars commiserating on sins of the past hit the talk show circuit and gain boo-koo dollars for their carnal shenanigans.

Most recently we have a new best selling novel from Gayle Haggard, the wife of Pastor Ted (I am no longer a homosexual, but really never was one just addicted to thinking about men) Haggard. She has brought her husband back to her bosom and enlightened the world that his drug use, his adulterous behavior, his out and out lying to his congregants is old news and being born again is what is important. Ted’s short term therapy has cured him and we must move on. However, we must continue to talk about the true sin of others and no matter how many times they go to the river Jordan, their sins can not be washed away, especially if they are anti God Democrats.

And soon to hit the bookshelves of indignant droves of wives who have lost their husbands to carnal cravings to “the other woman”, Jenny Sanford, Mrs. Marc (I climbed the Appalachian Trail, I left my state in a lurch lapping at my lady in Argentina, Sanford, will be telling her story. Jenny had the backbone to leave her husband, but her husband had no backbone in admitting to his inability to be Governor, and refused to resign from office.

The sexual sinner pardoned because his spouse said so no matter who was hurt along the way, or the sexual rat lampooned, but still in power.

VIDEOTAPE: It matters not that with the advent of every conceivable recording device, audio or video, if you are Neo Con, an Ultra Conservative, a Bigot, you can be recorded saying, doing, acting upon your self serving actions and deny that anything and all can be used against you as evidence because it just didn’t happen as others heard it or saw it.

Take good Glenn, ‘the Martians are coming and they are all socialists’, Beck. He made a statement on his entertainment show on the FOX Folly cable network about President Obama being like Mao, and Stalin and leading Americans to be slaughtered. In the delusional twilight zone existence, Mr. Beck calls reality he compared the President to two evil doers and asserted that like they, Mister Obama, would lead citizens to actually be physically slaughtered by the input and acceptance of the Presidents policies. When some people, who found their backbone and decided enough is enough complained about Beck’s fear mongering and incite to riot falsehoods, Mister Beck declared in rebuttal if I said “slaughtered”, it was taken out of context, and when the hues and cries did not stop, the next day Beckeroonie denied he had NOT even said the word “slaughter.” But those who want the truth to stand for something played back the videotape of Beck’s use of slaughter in the context he first said it, and still FOX and Beck declare it never happened.

Then we have a new kind of self proclaimed Journalist, named James O’Keefe whose fame and fortune erupted when he dressed as a pimp going to ACORN with his supposed Prostitute and presented a story in which he showed some workers of the “left –leaning”, (it is left leaning because the primary mission of the agency is to help poor people and minorities, not the RICH community) organizing group willing to help prostitutes avoid taxes.

After his much heralded foray into vice and scam and left winged behavior, Mister O’Keefe decided he was made of Teflon, and being a conservative Republican felt he was doing God’s duty or at least the living spokesperson for our founding fathers, and decided to take on the offices of Senator Mary Landrieu’s (D Louisiana) and do a sting operation. He wanted to discover allegations that Landrieu’s staff was not answering calls from her constituents. Mr. O’Keefe was sure that Senator Landrieu (who reluctantly voted in favor for a Health Care Reform Bill), did not answer her phones for fear that the majority of calls would be from her constituents haranguing her for her very anti American vote. (Helping all people receive affordable health care is sooooooo Un-American) And by not answering she was not doing the people’s business and should be impeached.

The bright Mister O’Keefe and his truth does not count entourage taped their actions prior to and during this little escapade admitting to their plot of deception and to tap the phone lines of a sitting U.S. Senator in an office owned by the federal Government. His “sick to the stomach smirk” and seedy self righteous comments of how he will bring the correct form of justice to the people of Louisiana, were heard by prosecutors, news casters and Mister O’Keefe, and of course he (O’Keefe) said it was a lie, taken out of context.

His defense team and many a Republican demigod have said his actions were harmless. Media Matters a liberal media watchdog group took a harder line on O’Keefe’s actions and said, “…vilification is the driving force and facts are optional…”

Caught on tape, words of self incrimination uttered actions captured, both Beck and O’Keefe said, “…Say it isn’t so Joe…” I was framed!

Lies, sex and videotape, an amazing array of hog wash and hypocrisy and yet there are millions of Americans who follow the every step of Religious leaders, Political Officials, Conservative Mouthpieces, Bigoted Hate Filled Harpies who have no conscience, no real compassion and no evidence. Millions of Americans prefer to be spoon fed their lives, taking no responsibility for their actions, but blaming others for its consequences. Millions of Americans who settle for little and receive even less.

What has happened to America, to humans to a society when the truth no longer matters?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

we need a hero

Senator McCain,

I wonder if you have forgotten your past. You survived years on end as a prisoner of war; denied your rights by your captors, your personal freedom perverted by your jailors, your dignity pulled and played with by people out to dehumanize you BUT as best they could to harm you, you persevered!

You came back a hero fighting the odds, and supposedly took the harsh lessons of the past, as a POW, and began a change for positive and for better. You had scars and wounds emotionally and physically but forged ahead using the past not as a crutch but as a motivator of strength.

And now Sir, with all due respect, you are a coward and seem devoid of any backbone, and pander to a base of people who care less for freedom, value and justice, all of which you fought for as both a soldier and a POW.

While you were prisoner, you had no rights. You were at the mercy of a majority who defined your days, deprived you of your dignity, and diluted as best they could your hope for the future.

And you Sir are doing the same denial of simple human rights (taken away from you) by protesting the end of a law that keeps a segment of American citizens as separate not equal by opposing the closure of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.

What is your refusal to end this discrimination about Senator McCain? Is it pure Republican Party politics? Is it homophobia? When you served in the American Armed Services were you concerned about a soldiers sexual practice, or were you more concerned if he was of moral value, could be trusted, would do the right thing in the field, for America? When you had no rights and were told you were not equal to the Viet Cong, didn’t you despise the vile, contempt, disregard your captors had for you?

Why do you oppose the right for Gays and Lesbians to marry? Once again, in your coward behavior you want to define Americans into groups of have’s and have not’s. As an officer in the military you were told to lead by example. So, your having an affair with a married woman, then becoming married yourself and having an affair with another married woman is the example to set when opposing same sex marriage? Do as I say, because I am a hypocrite, don’t do as I do because what is good for me is not good for you! While a prisoner Senator McCain were you not angry with the privilege of a few?

And how come you can not own up to a misguided decision when selecting Sarah Palin as your running mate. Why not admit the truth, that you needed some marketability, you needed a boost, you settled for less skill, less knowledge, a less then appropriate candidate for America but a very appropriate candidate to try and get you elected. Again you are a coward Sir, because you refuse to answer the question we as Americans so desire, “…how could you have selected a running mate, the second most important person in American politics…”, without considering her flaws, inexperience, inability to be a person who could take control of the reigns of power of the nation that is leader of the free world. By just not vetting her for the truth.

You dismiss any questions as an infringement on your decision making, as not important, as frivolous. No back bone Mister Senator, no backbone at all when you do not own up to mistakes. A reed does not fall because it has the ability to face the wind and bend, an Oak will fall with the force of a breeze. You were able to ignore your captors while in jail, the American public are not the enemy, why disregard OUR need to know?

Senator McCain, you seem to be in the way of any progress in this country to find truth, equality, change. You had demonstrated in the past the ability to stand for right, for justice, for fair. You fought the odds and won. Now it seems you are a shadow of a man we all could honor. Your foresight is clouded, your fortitude is tarnished, and your relevance is no longer felt.

I wonder if you have lost the roadmap you created while fighting for America during the days of Viet Nam? You have become a Politician who does not want to serve America, but wishes to languish in self delusion and self aggrandizement. You preach from one side of your mouth, how you are a maverick, but spew from the other side status quo self promoting gibberish.

Senator McCain have you no more dignity, responsibility, compassion for anyone else but you?

We need hero's who care for more than an out lived Political charade of a government career.