We are told by many that politics should be about principle; that the way we vote for our Elected Officials is often based on the compatibility of our principles.
We are told by many that good ethics and morals make anyone running for an elected office the right candidate. The principles of the person create the edge, promote the motivation, provide the reason to believe; resulting in our vote!
And yet we have a so called political movement in this country which shouts loud and clear about some kind of principle, but surrounds itself around Politicians who lie, fabricate, deny and oppose. We have people who have replaced principle with fear, bigotry, bias and hate.
We have the Tea Party Movement who meld into the Ultra- Conservative mind set, who accept members of the John Birch Society, who tolerate "birthers" and "truthers", who try to identify as a grass roots group of Americans, but seem to want to divide and conquer. We have a group of people who now approve of inviting the Aryan Nation, members of the Ku Klux Klan, secessionists and militias to join them in their war to make America pure. Pure from what?
We have the Tea Party Movement which seems to gain notoriety and claims to be the spokes group for a group of Americans told to be afraid of their current Government,( its too big when it is trying to help create jobs or equalize medical care)... Socialism, (each man and maybe woman should pull themselves up from their own bootstraps, the rich deserve to be rich because they earned their money honestly)... and people that are different...people of color (they may gain too much power and more Obama like individuals may run for office)... LGBT, they will surely suck the soul from your children, immigrants (our ancestors came to this country because it was a white nation, anyone of color does not fit in).
The Tea Party Movement has hero's, each individual they idolize cares not for the truth (Glenn Beck has been on video and audio making remarks about global warming, bring arms against the Government accusing others in a very sly McCarthyistic manner of being Communists, but when shown or played his negative remarks insists they were taken out of context),... can rewrite history (Dick Cheney has his version of the Iraq War water boarding, terrorism a version proven over and over again to be just a sick mindset of a very delusional man),... and will not be questioned about their commentary because they said it, and they have principles. (Sarah Palin can rant and rave and never be debated about the litany of lies she propagates. She sometimes refuses that cameras be permitted a her speaking engagements.)
And the Tea Party Movement is backed by Evangelicals, Pro Family Anti Abortion/Gay groups who swear on their Bible and quote scripture. They proclaim that their God (a God who chooses lemmings, who likes only some people, who cares little for the poor, or the educated, who did not create all Americans equal is speaking from the soap box at the "pearly gates" with a voters ballot in his hand.
And we are to believe that this Tea Party Movement is created from and for Americans who want principle to be placed back in our Government. We are told to believe that the average Tea Partier is honest, sincere, an equal opportunity hater, a non bigoted bully who wants change, but change they decide suits them.
When did many Americans stop caring about it? When did many Americans decide that selfish, greedy, gluttony, gross misconduct become the new definition for principle?
Why are those who understand the definition of principle so deaf and dumb? Why are those so tired of hypocrisy, unfairness, inequality, allowing the bully brigade to run wild, thus creating the agenda for America?
There is a common slogan used by the LGBT community that says "silence equals death". I am afraid if those who have real principle remain silent then Americans will surely face the death of democratic principles.
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