Monday, February 15, 2010

once more with Dick Cheney

Dick Cheney was back on the talking head stump, and made the rounds on television pre-empting the truth about the past 8 years with lies, and fabrications, delusions of grandeur, and pure self serving fact less statements.

As is usual for FOX foolish network, little to any correction of fact, or any rebuttal as to what history really demonstrated was offered and the ex Dictator went on and on spewing sinister innuendo and evil words of what he wished happened, but never was.

Whatever happened to seeking the truth, learning the facts and letting those in power know their abuse is over? Whatever happened to individuals wanting to seek the answers, as hard as they may seem to discover, instead of settling for the easy way out? When do the sane inherit the earth, and the lame let it go?

I grow so frustrated when the "bad" guy seems to win the battle. We just lived through 8 years of total disregard for any one poor, any one in a minority, any one but the wealthy, the corporations, the greedy. We voted out the bums and seem to want to vote them back in. Is it that human nature forgives the pain and punishment, but ignores the trying and the true. Are we so stupid as a collective nation that we still adore Sarah Palin, go breathless with Glenn Beck, and self- stim over Rush Limbaugh and not see that all they do is for their own fame and fortune?

When do we become wise? Is it easier to blame others pointing outward never inward?Do we want to ignore the truth hoping that the lies will solve the terrible conditions we find ourselves living? Have we become accustomed to denial, and averse to debate? Have we grown satisfied with villains, and allergic to hero's? Have we refused to listen, and only talk?

There are a whole bunch of Bush/Cheney lemmings still out and about trying to rewrite history; trying to keep the ignorant in a blissful hypnotic state of unreal. Trying hard to save their ass so when the day comes and someone smart, someone with true love of this country comes to power, they (the Bush/Cheney -ites) can say we were just following orders. We were as gullible as the peons of people who followed our every lie.

Dick Cheney does not go away. His hacked history harangue echos loud. He is still applauded for deeds done from delusion. How much more should we permit this holocaust of the truth happen? When do we take back an America with values and ethics?

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