The Tea Party Movement, the John Birch Society, the "birthers", the "truthers" and a dozen of our elected Republican Congress people hurriedly embraced Mister Limbaugh's conclusion, and without any ounce of fact, pronounced it the truth.
As is the case in America of 2010 the FOX News phonies created a debate, all sides pro the statement of course, and the Neo Cons chimed in that if we don't watch out the America we used to know will subside in a sea of reparations meant for "other folk" the uppity kind.
And the people so fearful and resentful that anyone might be better than they, anyone who didn't earn their success, anyone who is not a real American, thought that only "those" reparation seeking low lives would get something they do not and did not deserve. And most importantly take away from the true Americans, the Evangelical White folk, all the deserved and supposed be earned piece of the American pie.
The President is summoning a "transparent" meeting with the reluctant Republican leadership on Thursday, to discuss Health Reform. The Republicans had asked for this meeting and upon the acceptance of their request and at the popular request of most Americans to try and reach a bi-partisan conclusion of the Reform Bill, the President, the reversed racist President agreed. Now through statements from leadership like minority leader John Boehner , (is this more of a theatrical can I show up without knowing how big the room is...) to not hold this event, republicans reluctantly will attend.
But to demonstrate the solidarity of "no" based on nothing more than belligerent hate, and pronounced bias, Rush Limbaugh has reinstated his comments about reparations by adding that the only reason the President is pursuing this outrageous Health Reform Bill is two part. First, to create a rift in this country between the RICH and those who want to be RICH, (the slave owners of early America and their property) and cow towing to those who can not even read the Health Care Bill, expect the Government to pay for everything, and related to the "half white" President.
On today's Rush Limbaugh's radio hate fest, Mr. Limbaugh reiterated how its all about reparations, stupid. So under employed, recently laid off, unemployed Americans who need to decide to pay the rent, the mortgage, buy groceries OR pay an outrageous monthly tab for Health Insurance really do not need Health Reform, they/we just expect reparations. Any American down on his/her luck do not deserve any Government support for something many of them did not cause. And WE all are just a bunch of reparation loving unpatriotic, live on the dole ungrateful "half white" damned citizens.
If Rush Limbaugh was not THE most popular radio entertainer on the air, his stupid, lame, bigoted remarks could be laughed at. But millions of Americans lap at his every fictitious fact-less frivolous fine tuned filth.
Reparations, indeed! Maybe rights, equal rights. Shame on you Rush. But bigger shame to those who need someone else to think for you. Lemming like is so ugly and dumb. How do we stop the Rush?
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