Tuesday, February 16, 2010

games people play

When did politics become a game? When did decisions of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, become fodder for partisan politics, and the cozy comfort game of cat and mouse for career politicians?

When did it no longer matter that the people’s business was a priority, replaced by the personal gains of Government goons who are bought and sold by lobbyists, corporations and rogue religious renegades? Senator Joe Lieberman, whose state of Connecticut is home to the largest amount of Pharma-Conglomerates in the country, says he can not support Health Reform. He says it is not what the people want. Which people, Joe, your constituents or your war lords?

When did Republicans learn how to say one thing, then receive pressure from a fringe group of loud lunatics, change their mind in mid course, and act as if the proposals and policies they suggested were never on the table? How many times will John McCain say one thing, then change his mind, blame others for putting false words to the media, only to be shown a video of he (McCain ) speaking the words he refuses to admit having said?

When did fact become fiction? When did the lack of evidence, the misuse of quotes, and the sheer audacity of indulgence become the way to disprove a point, never making any effort to prove a point? According to Glenn Beck the snow storm in Washington proves that the globe is not getting warmer, how could it if there is snow! “Take that, Al Gore”, Mister Beck added.

When did an educated individual become less of an American, and an undereducated cretin become the poster child fro a true Patriot? When did it become right to demand and wrong to debate? When did the Bible usurp the Constitution? The new menace to this country as espoused at the first annual Tea Bag Convention in Nashville stated that anyone who went to an Ivy League College has socialism leanings. And we are told by the Mayor of Lancaster California, that his is a Christian city, ruled by the laws of the New Testament, which has higher moral value than the man made rules of the Constitution. And he added for good measure, if you don’t like it, leave it!

When did amnesia seep into the collective conscience of the American voter? When did we suddenly forget the treachery, the hedonism, the paranoia, and the self serving practices of the Elected Officials of the Bush/Cheney Dictatorship of the last 8 years? Demon Dick Cheney is once again telling the crowds of cowards that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. He howls about how his water boarding brought terrorists to their knees. He harangues the current President as a fool for replacing torture with democratic principle.

When did the inmates over take the asylum? When did the “Birthers”, “the Birchers”, the “Baggers”, the “Bullies” become the boss? When did sane, civil, kind, concerned leave the premises? When did the intelligent stop thinking? And when did the dumb dethrone the Democracy?

We can foolishly languish in thinking fewer Republicans in office mean more do good Democrats doing our business. We can proudly say I voted for change, and leave the change dangling on a vine as low hanging fruit, easy to be fed on by predators. We can say none of the bums are any good anyway so who cares. We can say vote the bums out and replace them with newer more polished bums. We can just do nothing and allow our fates to be replaced with the Politicians fortunes. We can pretend that tax cuts for the wealthy, no health care reform, no jobs bill, no climate change legislation, no equal rights for all minorities and no establishment of truth in advertising, or in stating the facts are IMPORTANT!

We can move back to the days of the 50’s when men were men, only white only straight, and women were women, paid less and just house wives. We can move back to the 50’s when McCarthyism ruled the minds of millions asking the question “are you now or have you ever been…”(fill in the blank…born in America, an immigrant, a true Christian, a heterosexual, a college educated snob, a Patriot…) We can move back to the 50’s and become xenophobic, homogeneous, paranoid.

But why?

When did politics become a toy that only a self select few feel they can play with and abuse? When do the people in the phrase “We the PEOPLE…” take back the governing, the sense and sensibility of this great nation? When do we refuse to allow the lemming to lead? When will coming to our senses be too late?

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