I am just not sure why:
Why is it that in the world of finance, particularly Wall Street and Banking, the bigger the mistake you make, the more you get compensated for it? If you make money, lose it, but say you can’t be replaced because you are so good and there are few others as good as you, and remain arrogant you get rewarded. You insist the attempt was sincere, you cry foul of any and all critics, and you gloat about past successes, have a patronizing remorse for current failures and you bonus blasts off to the stratosphere. Why is it that most of us in say jobs that pay anywhere from nothing to almost nothing e make one mistake and there are no and's if's or but's..you are out on your butt!
Why is it that the “tea baggers” only find the Democrats to be the villain? Why was there no up roar on the amount of money the Bush Administration paid contractors, for no- bid contracts to produce useless and unsafe products for our Armed Forces, allowing Big Government to spend recklessly and frivolously with carte blanche and little to no oversight? Why was there no throwing of the tea in the river when Bush and the Republicans swore by tax breaks for the wealthy, with little to no trickle down as promised for 8 years to the middle class and poor? Why is it that Sister Sarah Palin can not pay back taxes, have the people of Alaska pay for things like a tanning machine, and her home repairs, and they (the tea baggers) celebrate her as key note speaker to their convention?
Why is it Sarah Palin can expound on any topic but never be held to the fire to produce fact? Why is it that no matter when she is caught on tape or video saying unsubstantiated, phony, ridiculous claims and fabrications she never has to answer to critics or apologize for misleading, misconstruing, or misrepresenting fact? Why is it Politicians, concerned Americans coddle and cajole Ms Palin’s every whims, insist she is one of us, when her actions past and present so blatantly demonstrate she is not? Why is it that if you hate for others, you are considered an icon, a person of valor?
Why is it not the business practice of the corporations paying at least $2 million for a 30 minute ad for the Super Bowl, to take a real blow at our current economic status, look at the consumers to whom whose ads they are promoting, and say this year we will spend half of our ad expense on the Super Bowl, and the other half will go to charities that serve the poor, homeless, under medically under insured. Why don’t they say we are spending an outrageous amount of dollars on an ad that has a life time of maybe a few months, but the dollars saved on media, can have a longer shelf life by saving a few million lives? Why is it we allow millions of dollars to be spent on frivolous and folly when real and needy go untouched?
Why is the Republicans saying "NO" of no consequence to Americans who feel that nothing is being done in Washington. Why is that the effort to make change by the Republicans which is to say in unison "NO", received by the true American Americans as more valuable than the attempts by Democrats to find a variety of possibilities to actually make the change? Why is it "NO" more patriotic than "YES"?
Why is it sane and normal people are so damn complacent and calm when all about them the bigots, the biased, the bogus are running wild? Why is it that smart and educated seems so blase and stupid and hateful so cool? Why is it we let the inmates run the asylum?
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