Wednesday, February 17, 2010

pandora's pandering box

The talk from self described conservatives in the Tea Party movement is less Government involvement in their lives. Tea Party “wanna be” politicians like Rick Perry (R) Texas Governor are all about secessionism and autonomous states rights. Members of the Tea Party and their newly aligned partners from the Aryan Nation, John Birch Society, and Militias talk about waging a war if necessary to get what they want. And the entire newly formed web of anti government groups have a huge arsenal of arms which they say they are not afraid to use to get what they wish for.

Glenn Beck a McCarthy like self proclaimed and self indulgent “entertainer” from FOX not so much NEWS is able to spew lies and fabrication, misinterpret the truth. There is no one from the corporation which hired him to set standards of honest and precise. Mister Beck can twist the words of others, delete parts of a speech from his enemies, and deny his own words, and no one in any position of authority from FOX bothers to correct the inaccuracies. And Beck’s fans follow his every hypocritical, misleading, bigoted, uneducated tirade as if he (Beck) was the new Messiah. Glenn Beck is a master of saying out loud to the camera or over the airwaves, all the biased baloney his viewer’s envelope for those they deem different.

The Republican’s in Congress have decided that no matter how valued the cause, or how much the changes suggested by President Obama may encourage a better life for Americans, or how important it is to provide jobs, health care, fight the domination of corporate greed, they (the Republicans) will not budge on one issue and refuse to assist in any policy which may be positive for anyone else but them. In holding tight to their position of self service is better, the Republicans camouflage their selfish acts into soothing words for a group of people fearful, unable to look inward, and who prefer “we versus they”. Tell minions anything they want to hear, define the enemy for the peons, and keep the underclass uneducated.

At first the Progressives in this country gloated, and grinned at the GOP in exile. The Liberals said America has spoken, they found out who the boogie man was and now want honesty and sincere in office. The majority of voters, who elected a Democrat President, and a large Democrat Congress, felt we would receive “change we could believe in”. Most people scoffed at a rag tag remnant remaining of the Republican Party; they must see the writing on the wall, they must hear the consensus of the people and behave, become relevant. Those who saw past color, past inequality, past demagoguery believed we had a chance to start all over again for the first time.

But a year into the new Presidents term of office, a scary, no a frightening phenomena is surrounding this country. Someone opened Pandora’s Box. Someone, unwrapped a box with poisonous, pious indignation, pompous self promoting purpose, and party politics which portend to smother any breath of understanding, unification for the United States. Someone allowed Pandora’s Box to go unchecked in its violent, virulent, venomous attack on right, just, fair, and honest. The opening of the box has allowed lack of tolerance for anything perceived different, permitted lack of ownership for self responsibility, promoted a lack of understanding of a greater good. And the prize inside the box is becoming an overwhelming ogre wanting to identify an enemy and destroy it.

Who can we turn to, to protect what is becoming a fragile Democracy? Where are the Edward R. Murrow’s to take to the airwaves and denounce the wild accusations of paranoid pundits? Where are the Martin Luther Kings to insist justice and equality run rampant for all people? Where are the Louis Brandeis’ to mold a Supreme Court that looks to the good for individuals not the profits of corporations? Where are the Margaret Meads who understood the connection between society and religion, disavowing the dogma of either to take a foothold? Where are the real Americans, not Joe the Plumber, or Sarah Palin, the profiteer, or Rush Limbaugh the gluttonous goon?

The Pandora Box is open and soon, if we do not take back control and place the lid shut, America will suffer with fear replacing fortitude, ridicule replacing reason, mayhem replacing measure, and chaos replacing character.

It seems change is happening in America, just what kind of change?

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