Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Lie, Sex Videotapes and Republicans

Lies, sex and videotape, the Republican way!

LIES: Seems virtue and value, morals and meaning, ethics and ethos are not part of the Republican agenda for America. Seems scheming, snide, sinister, sly, avoidance and argument are the keystones for stopping any progress and shutting down any promise.

The newest mole to surface from the depths of falsehoods and fabrications is Dr. Frank Luntz a noted communications professional, political consultant and pollster, working for the Republican National Committee. Dr. Luntz’s key skill is to educate the Republican’s in office and those seeking election as to what Americans perceive to be their hopes and fears.

According to Dr. Luntz, the fears must be the priorities, on which to focus, leaving little doubt in the minds of the voters that the Democrats are the people to fear and with them out of the way the hopes can be realized. He has told his minion of Republican compatriots that “lie about the truth, fictionalize the results, and keep on digging deeper and deeper into the fact that nothing can be resolved until the Democrats are out of office.”

He continues to tell the self righteous, America first, God bless the red white and blue opposition party, that speak in circles, speak against any suggestion made by the Democrats, and speak louder and angrier so the lemmings that listen will not have time to reason or make rational decisions. Blame the majority party for the ills of the past 8 years and remind the public that nothing has changed with the new administration in office. In other words lie as best you can.

As apparent as would seem to those with a functioning brain and an IQ of at least 50, the lies, fabrications and misdeeds, should be warning flags saying danger, danger these scoundrels are up to no good. But alas alack, a recent poll by The Daily Kos, finds that a majority of self identified Republicans believe every lie told to them regarding the President, the democratic Legislators and the rewriting of the past 8 years of American history.

SEX: Seems the sexual escapades of the Republican Elected Officials and those who croon the tune of higher moral value, God like behavior, the Bible trumps the Constitution, self proclaimed Evangelical Christians, can commit an adulterous act, an infinite amount of infidelity flings and not be burdened with their actions. The holier than thou not only pray away the sin or blame others for their action, can also become instant authors and rack in the dollars commiserating on sins of the past hit the talk show circuit and gain boo-koo dollars for their carnal shenanigans.

Most recently we have a new best selling novel from Gayle Haggard, the wife of Pastor Ted (I am no longer a homosexual, but really never was one just addicted to thinking about men) Haggard. She has brought her husband back to her bosom and enlightened the world that his drug use, his adulterous behavior, his out and out lying to his congregants is old news and being born again is what is important. Ted’s short term therapy has cured him and we must move on. However, we must continue to talk about the true sin of others and no matter how many times they go to the river Jordan, their sins can not be washed away, especially if they are anti God Democrats.

And soon to hit the bookshelves of indignant droves of wives who have lost their husbands to carnal cravings to “the other woman”, Jenny Sanford, Mrs. Marc (I climbed the Appalachian Trail, I left my state in a lurch lapping at my lady in Argentina, Sanford, will be telling her story. Jenny had the backbone to leave her husband, but her husband had no backbone in admitting to his inability to be Governor, and refused to resign from office.

The sexual sinner pardoned because his spouse said so no matter who was hurt along the way, or the sexual rat lampooned, but still in power.

VIDEOTAPE: It matters not that with the advent of every conceivable recording device, audio or video, if you are Neo Con, an Ultra Conservative, a Bigot, you can be recorded saying, doing, acting upon your self serving actions and deny that anything and all can be used against you as evidence because it just didn’t happen as others heard it or saw it.

Take good Glenn, ‘the Martians are coming and they are all socialists’, Beck. He made a statement on his entertainment show on the FOX Folly cable network about President Obama being like Mao, and Stalin and leading Americans to be slaughtered. In the delusional twilight zone existence, Mr. Beck calls reality he compared the President to two evil doers and asserted that like they, Mister Obama, would lead citizens to actually be physically slaughtered by the input and acceptance of the Presidents policies. When some people, who found their backbone and decided enough is enough complained about Beck’s fear mongering and incite to riot falsehoods, Mister Beck declared in rebuttal if I said “slaughtered”, it was taken out of context, and when the hues and cries did not stop, the next day Beckeroonie denied he had NOT even said the word “slaughter.” But those who want the truth to stand for something played back the videotape of Beck’s use of slaughter in the context he first said it, and still FOX and Beck declare it never happened.

Then we have a new kind of self proclaimed Journalist, named James O’Keefe whose fame and fortune erupted when he dressed as a pimp going to ACORN with his supposed Prostitute and presented a story in which he showed some workers of the “left –leaning”, (it is left leaning because the primary mission of the agency is to help poor people and minorities, not the RICH community) organizing group willing to help prostitutes avoid taxes.

After his much heralded foray into vice and scam and left winged behavior, Mister O’Keefe decided he was made of Teflon, and being a conservative Republican felt he was doing God’s duty or at least the living spokesperson for our founding fathers, and decided to take on the offices of Senator Mary Landrieu’s (D Louisiana) and do a sting operation. He wanted to discover allegations that Landrieu’s staff was not answering calls from her constituents. Mr. O’Keefe was sure that Senator Landrieu (who reluctantly voted in favor for a Health Care Reform Bill), did not answer her phones for fear that the majority of calls would be from her constituents haranguing her for her very anti American vote. (Helping all people receive affordable health care is sooooooo Un-American) And by not answering she was not doing the people’s business and should be impeached.

The bright Mister O’Keefe and his truth does not count entourage taped their actions prior to and during this little escapade admitting to their plot of deception and to tap the phone lines of a sitting U.S. Senator in an office owned by the federal Government. His “sick to the stomach smirk” and seedy self righteous comments of how he will bring the correct form of justice to the people of Louisiana, were heard by prosecutors, news casters and Mister O’Keefe, and of course he (O’Keefe) said it was a lie, taken out of context.

His defense team and many a Republican demigod have said his actions were harmless. Media Matters a liberal media watchdog group took a harder line on O’Keefe’s actions and said, “…vilification is the driving force and facts are optional…”

Caught on tape, words of self incrimination uttered actions captured, both Beck and O’Keefe said, “…Say it isn’t so Joe…” I was framed!

Lies, sex and videotape, an amazing array of hog wash and hypocrisy and yet there are millions of Americans who follow the every step of Religious leaders, Political Officials, Conservative Mouthpieces, Bigoted Hate Filled Harpies who have no conscience, no real compassion and no evidence. Millions of Americans prefer to be spoon fed their lives, taking no responsibility for their actions, but blaming others for its consequences. Millions of Americans who settle for little and receive even less.

What has happened to America, to humans to a society when the truth no longer matters?

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