So, we are preached to, that America has become a nation filled with Populists, that the average American is tired of the same old game of politics. We are told that Americans want less Government control, a freer free market, Politicians to stop being partisan, and all incumbents need to be thrown out of office.
And, if you listen closely to most journalists and of course the deranged entertainers, calling themselves “fair and balanced”, prejudiced clowns of FOX News, the Tea Party Movement are the true representative of the new Populist movement.
The same Tea Party which held a convention in Nashville Tennessee and whose key note speaker Tom Tancredo proclaimed "...people who could not even spell the word 'vote' or say it in English, put a committed socialist ideologue in the White House...", followed by Sister Sarah Palin's false foibles and fact less fiction about an America that thrives in her empty mind.
In Germany, right before the Second World War officially started a band of brown shirted Germans, claiming that those of Aryan decent, non Jewish, heterosexual, born in Germany were the true inheritors of the German future. To be patriotic was to exclude, and limit who should be running the government. It was defined as a Populist movement, (The Nazi Movement), bringing back dignity, and pride to the fatherland, and anyone doubting that fact was an enemy of the state. Politicians worried about retaining their tenure as a member of the ruling party, so they acquiesced and could not shout Hiel Hitler faster and quicker. All personal standards and conscience were squelched, and one voice, one message became the mantra of the nation. If you were different, you did not belong. If you REALLLLLLLLLY were a true German than you followed the path established by Germans who knew better than you. Joining was your choice, to not join your consequence.
During the mid 40’s to the late 50’s in the USA, another so called Populist movement arose in our history; eventually being dubbed McCarthyism named for the efforts of one paranoid, delusional Senator. Senator Joe McCarthy, unchallenged, decided to reshape America into a nation he dreamed of; maneuvering the emotions of the minions of lost Americans into thinking they were the ones who demanded all Communists be banned.
“Are you now, or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party”, was the rallying cry of a true American to rid this nation of its woes. Blame the other guy for my personal weakness or failure, make him the scapegoat and things will brighten up for me was the motto of a good Communist hunter. The more it was chanted, the more it felt like a Populist outcry. Except its origins were not from the grass roots, instead it was created from seeds planted by the land owner—not the farmer.
The term McCarthyism has since been defined as ‘reckless, unsubstantiated accusations, as well as demagogic attacks on the character of political adversaries’. Look closely at the shenanigans the Republican Party/(Tea Party, speakers of the tea party Convention spoke about) currently uses and you can see how the actions of a defamed Senator ring loud and clear today.
I want change. I want politicians to stop worrying about their careers. I want an America with more equality, and less differences. I want Americans to make better decisions about the rules and regulations under which we live. But I do not want change or equality or decision making to be done with lies, innuendo, and deceit. I do not want the dogma of religious hypocrisy to define our laws. I do not want an enemies list, of those who do not speak the language or those who can not spell, or definitions by an uneducated few as to who IS an American.
A Populist movement in America is what America needs. A whack on the side of the head of our ingrained, Ivory Tower politicians is needed, and stuck like glue politicians who only vote for the advancement of their careers and not the advancement of the American people need to be replaced.
But not by people who hate, by people who prefer the "we" and "they" divisions, the people who listen to hypocritical Evangelicals who do as I say and not as I do, or angry white middle aged men who fear that any other demographic may be smarter and wiser than they.
I want a Populist movement that does repeat Germany in the 30's or 40's, or an America run by the likes of Joseph McCarthy in the late 40's and 50's. Or an America where the voice of knowledge, of wisdom of conscience is Sarah Palin.
Before the wise could stop the Nazi's, millions were murdered, before the smart could catch on to the Communist scare thousands of lives were ruined and American families destroyed. Before the Tea Party Movement gets so far right and so far radical, should we all not stop and wonder, what is next?
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