America was SHOCKED, OMG, once again something disturbing, eroded the white bread, apple pie tapestry that is the Super Bowl and in particular the half time show of the most wholesome of wholesome events. No wardrobe malfunction this time but instead the scandalous manipulation of the wicked, MIDDLE FINGER, by MIA and its ever venomous silent but deadly message telling anyone in its radar, F- You!
Somehow water stops ebbing or flowing, crickets stop chirping, and children’s live are stunted for good whenever the middle finger addresses the public on public TV. When the middle finger is raised all sin celebrates and all sinners sing a symphony, give the finger and the Devil lives and good dies.
Somehow it is the action of the middle finger that insights Bibles to be thumped, minions to proclaim God is dead, and blindness to overcome the eyes of babes. It is wrong, terrible an embarrassment and UnAmerican to say F-You via the finger, but somehow saying F-You any other way is just fine and dandy.
Everyday Rick Santorum is on the trail to instate his morals and ethics to the American public and he belies and bullies Gays, Women, and Muslims he is using the F word in declaring that these demographics are less then and surely not equal to. Everyday, Newt Gingrich, flaunts his third wife, and insists he Is the spokesman for the Institute of Marriage, and stands upon his self serving bully pulpit defining same sex marriage as a plague and something he personally has spoken to God about, he is producing F-You bombs left and right. Everyday Mitt Romney brags about firing people, his disdain for anyone poor, and defiantly defending his low tax or no tax status he is proficient in setting off F-You gunshots at anyone not in the 1%.
The fuss continues about MIA and the raising of the finger. YOU TUBE is a buzz, Google is as jumpy as the Richter Scale in the middle of a 9.0 earthquake, and Facebook postings are continuous and contagious. The clergy is outraged, parents are pissed, and the FCC is investigating. But while all that is happening all day all night the politicians running for president from the Republican/Tea Party are shouting out high and low F-You’s to minorities, to the poor, to the elderly, to the unemployed, and they are being haled and hallowed for their hearty F-You attitude. In this neo Victorian, pre Apocalyptic, very hypocritical Nation of ours the raising of the middle finger on public TV is a fearful prelude to the demise of a Christian values, and who knows Socialism will certainly take over. But demeaning, despising, degrading Women, Gays, Poor, Unemployed, Blacks, Muslims, Immigrants and spouting F-Words, F-Bombs without raising your middle finger is wholesome and welcome. F-You is okay as long as you don’t use the hard artillery of the middle finger. But set free the hate in your heart, and the venom of your soul and it is fair game.
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