Monday, February 13, 2012

religious freedom

Sharia law is the moral code and religious law of Islam. Also meaning "path" in Arabic, sharia guides all aspects of Muslim life including daily routines, familial and religious obligations, and financial dealings.

Ever since the devastation of 9/11, this country, with the lead of the Conservative Christians, the leadership of Republican Party, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, FOX News we have all been warned about the coming of the Crescent and the battle for our souls and the governance of this nation. We have been warned that any religion that acts as a dictatorial body, that does not care for the individual rights of the American is dangerous, evil and so Un-American.

We have been told by the Republican/Tea/Libertarian Party politicians and their marketing experts, that what is wrong in this country is the lack of individual rights. The Republican/Tea/Libertarian Party has called out the president for insisting that all Americans receive health insurance and loudly in the past and silently (cowardly) in the present we have been told that as a Muslim, President Obama is exerting some kind of Sharia Law. The premise is Obama is not a true Christian and his anti Christ ways deny freedom to America.

We are warned and have been warned that Sharia Law will be coming to a city and town near you acting like acid to the Constitution of the United States, you know the Constitution created and signed by Jesus Christ.

Conservative/Evangelical Christian Truth explain that abortion (no matter the reason, mothers life, rape, incest) is wrong, evolution is not proven, same sex marriage is a sin, never a contraceptive shall be purchased, and global warming/climate change are not man made but man made buffoonery.

As each candidate running for president trying to represent the Republican/Tea/Libertarian Parties shouts louder then the next that Obama is a Socialist, Communist each and every man also shouts even louder that, if elected no Gays will marry, abortions will become illegal, all environmental laws impeding the bottom line of corporations will be canceled, women will have no rights to their reproductive body parts, and Obama Care will be replaced with afford health care and live if you can afford it, and if you can’t afford it die.

As each candidate running for president from the Republican/Tea/Libertarian Party insists that President Obama is all about denying personal freedoms destroying the purpose and promise of our Constitution, each and every man also insists that their religion will be the guiding light way forward and laws will be put in place to keep this nation Christian.

I have learned, from watching the precision of Karl Rove, Rupert Murdoch, The Koch Brothers, Citizens United, and the Activist Republican Supreme Court Justices, that ignoring evidence, evading the truth, and enveloping the hate filled ignorant in a fiction filled frenzy will win the day. I have learned that hypocrisy is heralded as honor, do as I say not as I do honorable, and scapegoating, victimizing someone any one to avoid your own lies is triumphant for victory. I have learned that fear without cause is the trump card for a winning hand in destroying American civil liberties.

We have been told over and over ad nauseum that Sharia Law will rule and creep into our lives changing our life liberty and pursuit of happiness. We are warned that the end of freedom will happen when Sharia Law find its footing in this nation. And while we are warned that no religion will EVER usurp the First Amendment, we are warned that if we don’t follow the Christian principals as espoused by the candidates running for president for the Republican/Tea/Libertarian Parties America will not be free.

Sharia Law stands no chance in hell to ever, ever, ever become the law of this nation, but watch out folks, if Romney, Santorum, Gingrich or Paul become the president, THEIR religious laws WILL become law for ALL of us.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...(portion of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution).

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