Mr. Chris Christie,
It is now Sunday, two days after you decided that your future political career was more important then the civil rights of a minority population living in your state. You waited till the end of the day, when most news organizations retired for the weekend to announce that you would veto a bill passed by both houses of your legislature making the marriage of same sex couple legal. You sadly hid behind the ignorance of the religious bigots, the population who speak and act like God but uses God as proof they should hate. You were playing the trump card of if they think I hate like them they will like me.
In your quest for future political potential, perhaps as Vice President candidate this year or Presidential aspirant four years from now, you, with lack of conscience or value, or morals used the old snake oil trick of stating that the majority should vote and decide the rights of the minority. You tried to sound like a Populist candidate, but instead came across as a pompous hypocrite with no concern for the minority but lavish love for your own career.
You proudly bragged that had the population of the American South in the 1960’s be given the legal right to vote on the civil rights of the Black population we could have avoided the riots and acts of civil disobedience. You went on to add that had the White population be given the opportunity to vote on equal rights on a minority population they would have voted to give the Blacks equal rights As you sat in your ivory tower pontificating to the wealthy donors who love to back hate as long it does not conflict with their bottom lines, you recited fact-less details trying to rewrite history. Imagine Mr. Christie, if we follow your empty logic having an all white population with a deep seated fear of anything black supported by their empty religious leaders, voting to make their enemy an equal they would have done so! Laughable, Mr. Christie, as laughable as your own homophobic rhetoric based on nothing but your own personal gain in asking the majority of heterosexuals voting on the rights of the homosexuals in your own state.
The amazing thing is there are enough people in the land of the Republican/Fox News world that think you could be Vice President or President. I suppose as compared to the long list of self important hypocritical, clueless, racist, homophobic, divide and conquer candidates in the 2012 race for president you do fit the mold of a potential leader. Your hates, your selfishness, your lack of concern for anyone but your wealthy donors, your lack of conscience or soul are all perfect characteristics for the lemmings you love to lean on.
It is Sunday, Mr. Christie, two days since you denied a minority population in your state the same rights and freedoms you have and are guaranteed in the Constitution. It is two days since your veto based on nothing but the potential of your own personal political gain has denied citizens of your state to receive ALL the same legal rights and freedoms as you do. It is Sunday Mr. Christie and for the Gay and Lesbian’s living in your state it is two days since you used your power of the pen to stop loving couples to marry legally. Your had little will to look at the lives of millions but instead the weakness to seek what might aid you and your political future.
One might wonder how you sleep at night, but that would assume you had a heart or a conscience. One might wonder if you had great difficulty in this decision, but that would assume you were looking at the rights of individuals rather then the opportunities in line for you. One might think you would have humanized this entire endeavor but then it one would think you were human.
You have succeeded in making the low life, the bigot, the religious zealot, the self victimized American happy almost gleeful. You have succeeded in making the millionaire donors who hate anything but profit elated. You have succeeded in planting the seeds for a political future which will identify you as never one to be the President of All the people, just SOME of them.
If you understood the meaning of shame, Mr. Christie I would shout shame on you, but cold hearted, self serving men like you are just empty souls.
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