I know, I know its about the economy stupid. Anything else like rights, freedoms and equality can wait until we create more jobs, cut spending and lower taxes. I know, I know, its a matter of loving Capitalism and loathing Socialism you un American idiot. I know, I know its about too big of a government when it comes to creating labor opportunities and a government not big enough when it comes to restricting personal choice you Commie. I know, I know you have received the facts and fancies of Democracy from such noble laureates as Limbaugh, patriots like Palin, and intelligencia from the noise channel called FOX. I know, I know!
But then explain this to me: The supposed nominee from the Republican/Tea Party for president of the US has various amounts of money stashed in foreign banks and has not disclosed any information as to how much and why. He doesn’t feel that personal part of his life is any business for the average American voter and is all huffy when asked to explain. He says only those jealous of his own financial successes, or those too lazy to become as rich as he are asking the questions. He adds any hard working American is really not that interested in his overseas un-taxable income. If its about the economy stupid why does he feel so empowered not to provide his fair share of taxes or income to a nation struggling to stand on it’s feet. If its about the economy you idiot why is the man seeking the leadership of this nation so arrogant as to tell us what to do with our money but then live by his own financial rules. If it is about your economy why are you supporting a man who shares little of his income but wants to define how you spend yours? I know, I know HE is not Obama!
I know, I know you needed a change in politics you needed politicians who had America in mind the kind of America your church elders preach from their pulpits. I know, I know this group of politicians promised less government intrusion in your lives and more self boot strap pulling up. I know, I know you needed to elect men and women with backbone, moral stamina, and a good Christian to make America the leader it once was. I know, I know, the Dems had two years and just couldn’t unscrew the mess created by eight years of the Republicans. I know, I know, you listened to people like Dick and Liz Cheney, Karl Rove, Bill O’Riley, Ann Coulter and voted a ticket of true Americans into office who while living off the dole expected everyone else to fend for themselves. And I know, I know it was about the economy, nothing about the rights listed in the Constitution dummy!
But then explain this to me: Why Mitch McConnell’s priority for Senate is to make Obama a one term president. The first plan of action taken by the Republican/Tea Party Congress was to read an abridged version of the Constitution. Actions against women’s reproductive rights trumped job creation. Pledging to place into a law an amendment prohibiting same sex marriage was a key legislative priority. Supporting Corporations as people and permitting an unaccountable funding or is it bribing candidates running for political office. Insisting that teachers, firefighters, police are burdens to finding balance for the deficit while ignoring any attempt for the 1% to even pay their fair share of taxes. Trying to dismember any and all attempts to stop the abuse from financial and lending institutions. And oh yeah, lying about affordable health care hoping that the stupid will ignore a law created to help them stay alive and well.
I know, I know its about the economy but any time a jobs bill an idea to develop projects for the infrastructure, provide some financial relief for the unemployed, equalize the payment of revenues is attempted the Republican/Tea Party refuse to discuss let alone debate. If it WAS about the economy then all of this partisan bull shit would have dissipated and disappeared.
What it is, is about is the success of a group of selfish, self serving wealthy men and women controlling the facts and selling a bunch of bogus to people so eager to blame others for their own miserable life. What it is, is about bigots, racists, and religious hypocrites setting an agenda for the lemming who has no idea how to think and loves to be told how to hate and who to hate. What it is, is about the very wealthy who have prostituted Democracy and Capitalism as a means to divide and conquer and keep fair and equal at bay. And what it is, is the fact that those of us who don’t vote, think this is just a phase, consider all politicians as evil, think their lives are okay so who cars about anyone else, are angry because all promises were not kept have stepped aside and permitted the ship of fools to set the agenda for this great nation of ours.
It is NOT about the economy, stupid, it is about the stupid leading the way. How did we let this happen, how?
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