Mitch McConnell proclaims that coverage for 30 million uninsured Americans is ‘not the issue’ The question is how you can go step by step to improve the American health care system,” said Senator McConnell.
“Let me tell you what we’re not going to do. We’re not going to turn the American health care system into a western European system”, added the Minority Leader of the Senate.(Huffington Post)
And if you have listened to Rush Limbaugh, Karl Rove or anyone pretending to be a journalist on FOX Noise you will also hear a new line of attack against the underinsured or the uninsured. Somehow, according to those whose wealth is way beyond compare to the lackey’s and lemmings who listen to them via TV or radio, the reason you have no insurance is because you never worked hard enough to earn it. The reason we even have this problem of uninsured in this nation is because too many of those losers just like to have the government pay their every bill. According to this legion of self centered self righteous bigots you are poor because you are lazy;if you were not lazy you could afford health insurance and if you had health insurance like regular Americans there would be no issue whatsoever.
As has been the strategy with this crop of neo-conservatives, anti government, anti minority rights group of Republican/Tea Party politicians one should never find a remedy for a situation, but create a diversion instead. Keep a divide if you can between the have’s and everyone else. Cajole the stupid, the angry, the self victimized soul and insist that life would be better if OTHERS were not so ready to pounce upon freedoms only you deserve.
So now 30 million uninsured Americans are greedy, are needy. It is their inability to afford health insurance that is making matters worse. If those 30 million were true Americans they would have found a job that enabled them to pay the market price established value for health insurance. And, say the sages sitting in their mansions, to the peons sitting in denial, ignorance, and hate, there is no problem with affording health insurance, it is a just reward for those too lazy to pay their own way.
And oh by the way, most of those uninsured according to the Republican/Tea Party demigods just happen to be people of color. You know the same PEOPLE who should not have the right to vote and should show their papers. And if the people of color were not bad enough at defrauding the American way, it is the seniors who think they deserve the promise of social security as provided by the laws of this nation.
And the same group of pundits and politicians who consider life is created the minute there is a zygote, feel just as empowered to deny any kind of healthy life for the people they declare their God created. The hypocrisy is dazzling, yet the practice by lame is strong as ever.
I do not understand how anyone can overlook the lack of human compassion, the sheer lack of concern for the common man/woman, the amount of arrogance in trying to solve problems of anyone else but the 1%. I do not understand how the up coming election is still so close and those voting Republican/Tea Party think its all about the economy stupid. How so many Americans think that nothing else like values, principles, ethics and morals is as important. The Republican/Tea Party say they will make you wealthier, but forget about the freedoms and rights that make this country so great.
Coverage for 30 million uninsured Americans is ‘not the issue’...REALLY... so when someone dies in their home... dies alone...carries pain from an illness for a dozen years... decides to eat or pay rent because there is no more money for a health check up...continues to suffer rather than go into debt...tries to find the pursuit of happiness just as long as it does not include health insurance...IT IS NOT THE ISSUE. WTF!
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