Miserable Mitch McConnell, mutters, stutters, denies and deliberately lies, hoping no one catches on to his case of the political stupid.He considers a romp on Fox Noise a simple walk in the park and is sure he can, with great force, flee from the truth and travel into fiction. No longer for the Republican/Tea Party does it matter that fact is missing from their leadership, so speaking in the gilded cage that is Fox, Mitch McConnell describes 30 million folk without affordable health care as a sort of chump change. No one listens, so he thinks, as along as you call Obama a Muslim, a Kenyan, a Socialist and a Job Killer no fact to back those statements is necessary. Shout to the highest rafters that all Obama wants for this nation is for its citizenry to be healthy add just how un-free market that is and those with disease and illness will clap from either their death beds or coffins. Mr. Mitch means to lessen the load on the health carriers and add that weight to the average Fox viewer and any other finger pointing freelancer wandering this land called America.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell dropped by Fox News Sunday today to give his reaction to the Supreme Court ruling upholding the Affordable Care Act.
Wallace reminded McConnell that on Friday, he said if Mitt Romney wins the presidency and the Republicans retake the Senate, repealing the health care law would be “the first item on the agenda.” Wallace brought up one provision in the law that provides health coverage for millions of people who do not have insurance, and asked how McConnell and the Republican party “would provide universal health care.”
Wallace wanted McConnell to explain exactly what alternatives the Republicans have for covering uninsured Americans after the health care law is repealed, with McConnell saying at one point “that is not the issue.” Wallace shot back with, “You don’t think 30 million people uninsured is an issue?” (media-ite)
Mr. McConnell, if starting with 30 million people (and eventually and hopefully all Americans) is not the issue of writing an affordable health insurance law, what the hell is? If your heart and soul and concern is not for the people you supposedly were elected to govern where are your priorities? Is it your career, your income, your selfishness that matters? Do you ever get tired of being a marionette for people who in an instant once you become obsolete will discard you like the piece trash you have become????
Stern and intense, filled with no knowledge but a bunch hooey and phooey fed to her by her husband Marcus (cure the Gay) Bachmann, Michelle Bachmann steps forward to fuel a fire she loves starting. Ready to avoid the facts and ever eager to lead the listener astray, she pretends that her paper back edition of the Constitution, the one autographed by Jesus is all that is necessary to govern this nation. More concerned about job killing then killing the people who do the job in the first place, Ms Bachmann acting as Ms Congeniality for the Republican/Tea Party rants endlessly about the bottom line. Encased in her own Government paid for health insurance she demands that government interference for anyone else but people like her is evil and is the end of America.
Republican Rep. and former presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann was questioned on CNN over the Supreme Court’s health care ruling and its impact on the economy.
Bachmann announced that “there is no greater outsourcer of jobs than President Obama,” before adding that job creators and businesses both small and large cite ObamaCare is the “number one reason” they aren’t hiring. This Bill is a job killer, she added. (media-ite)
It is never about the people born from humans, but always about the people who via a Supreme Court filled with political opportunists and activists have been defined as human---Corporations. It is not about helping people to maintain a healthy life but always about a healthy bottom line. It is seldom a discussion about how do we help those who have little voice, even smaller sway but ALWAYS about those who speak with large sums of dough. And Ms Michelle pompous and pious prays to God in the same vile voice she lies to America.
And even worse than, is the mere fact these two puppets of the greedy may be the majority party in both the Senate and House this september being led by a man who will say and do anything to promote himself and only he.
Isn’t all this hooey phooey toxic enough? Isn’t it time we stop it before it becomes unstoppable?
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