Saturday, July 28, 2012

mr. romney PLEASE

Mr. Romney,
I know you, just as Sarah Palin, have a distrust for any news outlet other than the propaganda organization of FOX. Sarah Palin could not face the “lame street” press due to the fact that the “lame street” press would ask her questions where the facts mattered. Sarah could sit for hours at the throne of Hannity, O’Riley, and at the time Beck and talk in clumps of words never once answering a question but throwing out barbs of distraction to avoid any contact with reason. When you are interviewed and if my eyes are closed tightly I swear it is Sarah Palin talking but with a much deeper and snootier voice.
Many of us laughed at Sarah, (those who don’t believe the world is flat,women are not chattel, and dinosaurs did exist) and thought well at least she is running for Vice President and those individuals are a bit loony any way. But Mr. Romney, you are acting as the Palin Prima Donna and refusing to address any question that rely on truth in answering; and Sir, you want to be president of the United States. I would ask do you have any morals, but then I am sure you would feel the resulting answer might not be as favorable as discussing them. You love to hide the facts and those that do escape are sugar coated with banal, irresponsible, BS. 
I know as CEO of Bain Capital you ran your communications like a dictator would his ill gotten government. You controlled any news, deleted any information and contrived any situation to your liking, forgetting the reality but emphasizing the fantasy that hit your fancy. Why you even invented a term of retroactive retirement. (Do you possess powers of living in the present and rewriting your personal history? Is that a product of Bain Capital?) But come on Mr. Romney so far America is at least 45% still owned by the common citizen, so couldn’t you try to be less discrete in hiding your lies and more honest in admitting to your actions?
YOU speak of Bain as the one reason that best qualifies your run as president. But when anyone else speaks of Bain you cower in the corner shouting the sky is falling, the sky is falling. YOU proudly pump your chest relying on your account of running Bain, but try to ask others to back up your side of the story and you throw a hissy fit insisting that is an insult how dare you not just take my word. YOU  state business is in my blood, but when asked about the blood and guts of those whose jobs you have outsourced, eliminated, ruined, it is nobody’s business at all. And you so smugly face the camera and with the backbone of a jelly fish insist that I don’t have to do provide any more facts. (YOU are running for the president of the United States, and YOU do have to provide more and more and more...remember Mr. Romney there was no great swell of interest from anyone begging you to run for the office of president in the first place...I know, your Olympic athlete wife Ann did state in an interview it was YOUR turn to be president).
And one more thing, well there are a lot of one more things, but for space and time I will add this one more thing. I am so tired of hearing that everything you do from providing only on year of tax returns, to never mentioning all your foreign bank accounts is legal. Bull shit Mr. Romney, it may be legal and okee doe kee if you you were running for local dog catcher, but DUDE you are running for president. I want and those who (don’t wear a tripod hat, think that the Muslim Brotherhood is about to spread Sharia law, believe FOX is fair and balanced let alone a news outlet) need you be to be forthright, provide clarity, and seek the truth. I want a person with values, integrity and a moral compass pointing to truth to be my president. You know a person who will go above and beyond, because mundane and mediocre just don’t make it.
Who are you Mr. Romney, aside from a man who ran the Olympics (how long can you milk that cow)...ex Governor of Massachusetts (but don’t ask about pro Gay/pro choice/RomneyCare)... CEO of Bain (except the years you outsourced jobs, created mass unemployment, and raked in huge profits at the expense of the common man)...a man of faith (but say not a word about being Mormon). Who do you think you are with so many flaws, so many earned misgivings, so many unanswered questions to run for the office of president in my country?
In fairness, Mr. Romney, I can’t just shake my finger of disgust at you. Nope, I have to also wonder who the hell are the people who can’t see behind your mask.. who don’t see the manipulative fingers of men and women who don’t want to God bless America but just bless their bottom lines... whose bigotry towards a black man blinds them to your selfish agenda...who think you give a damn about their mundane lives...who think that if they lie and steal and sell a bridge in Brooklyn they too will become as wealthy as you. As frustrating of a phony as you are, with an every day patronizing statement or convenient flip/flop I am even more flabbergast that the poll numbers are still high for you. (I thought we dumbed down as far as we could go with W....oh yeah you want to hire his band of draft dodging Neo Cons to be a part of your cabinet).
I am curious Mr. Romney is it a Multi-Millionaire/ Church of Latter Day Saints/ Venture Capitalist/ thing to be shallow, uncaring deceptive, evasive or is it just a major flaw in your upbringing and personality that makes you one man who should never be permitted to be president of this great nation.
So many questions that deserved to be answered and one man who is so ashamed of his history to offer any clue or insight. Shame on you, and shame on the fools who think you should sit in the Oval Office.

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