Its Friday, and a weeks worth of news, noise and nonsense has collectively congealed my brain and any synapse still working have prompted me to consider if it is wiser to hold my head in the sand or sneak a peak at wishful thinking.
There is a debate brewing about calling the ACA a tax, a mandate a taxable mandate a penalty, a fraud, a socialist fraud a take over of all things American. Republicans are breaking their code of silence and criticizing a fellow Republicans. Rupert Murdoch a man of high moral value and honest intentions for no one else but himself is suggesting Romney has no backbone. Mitt has etch-a sketched over and over again trying to rewrite his own history regarding Romney-care. Democrats are finally patting themselves on the back hoping that no one one will make them stand up for their support of the ACA because when that happens many of the Dems lose their backbone and fall helplessly to the floor; as many a Dem is not sure if Obama-care is socialized medicine after all. And the Dems would rather never ever have to talk about the ACA.
Some, who loved the Roberts Court for its anti everything personal choice in the past, are now ready with the tar and feathers to hang the the Chief Justice because this time he did not play politics and was not the lovable activist judge he had been in the past. Some are sure Roberts IS playing politics by calling the ACA a tax thus providing fodder for the Romney campaign to shout this Prez hates Amerikans but loves to tax them.
Some Republican Governors have demonstrated their love for lobbyists over the needs for their constituents and have sworn on a stack of Bibles that no matter how many of their citizens may die, no government money will be used to make a life healthier or to save a life in their state. No, they insist as they sit in front of their puppet masters political self preservation is more important than saving a population. We still hear that on day one if both Mr. Romney is elected as president or there is a majority of Republican Senators the ACA WILL be repealed. And of course the newly elected Congress and President will take the appropriate amount of time allotted by their paymaster health corporations and come up with a replacement.
And as they once again wear tea bags dangling from their hats, holding signs comparing Obama to anything Socialist, recite a schizophrenic version of the national anthem, quoting such patriots as Bill O’Riley, Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin, the Tea Party contingent of anarchists insist on denouncing any law created to in fact make their miserable lives better, easier, more equitable. But this time around those who just hate for hate sakes based on fact-less fiction bias, bigotry or bogus are joined by the billionaires who just love to keep the dumb dumber and a cadre of Republican politicians who seek fame and fortune.
Why oh why I ask myself as my head spins in wonderment and awe is there any question about about education, about three meals a day, about quality of life, about choices in living that life, about fair and equal access for Health Care? What is difficult in providing all Americans with something so easily found by those who can afford it? When did the quality of human life become so attached with the bottom line of a corporation who only recently in the mind of activist judges become people. And then I actually think why even bother when so many in this nation seem to think fair and equal health insurance is wrong.
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