And so you want to vote for Mitt Romney, because he says he is rich and after all isn’t that the foundation of the United States. You insist that all that matters in the 2012 election is the economy, character will find its way with wealth and morals are just in the way to a better bottom line.
Mr. Romney, your entire political herd of handlers, all FOX Noise entertainers, Rance Priebus, millionaire Rush Limbaugh and any other idiot pretending to be concerned citizens of the Unites States caught lying for you I am NOT ENVIOUS of your wealth. I AM however, PISSED that in your acquiring your wealth you have decided to NOT pay your fair share and insist that I not only pay mine but also pay the consequences of losing much needed revenue from the likes of you to support programs for minor things like health, education and food. I am Not JEALOUS of your accumulated riches, but I am ANGRY that you decided to hide that wealth in secretive places with such names as Swiss Bank, Cayman Islands, and Bermuda. And in your deceitful delusional world you and your puppet masters still say you are the correct man to lead this nation. I Am glad you were successful enough to buy and sell most of the Americans for which you would like to be president, but I AM so disappointed that as proud as you say you are you still keep a deep veil of secrecy on your income.
"Mitt Romney bets against America," "He bet against America when he put his money in Swiss bank accounts and tax havens and shelters and also set up a secret company, the shell company in Bermuda, which, by the way, in order to avoid disclosure, he put in his wife's name right before he became governor of Massachusetts." said Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley (Huffington Post)
And so you, (self described angry voter) you smugly said as 2010 rolled around, sitting in the comfort of your home, that the current crop of political criminals need to be taught a lesson so I will either not vote in November, or I will just be spiteful and vote for the other man/woman. And so, pointing your finger in the air as if to make some point that you hold the power as to which bum wins, you stayed home on election eve pontificated to your friends shouting ‘that’ll show them and felt so proud that you made a point. And so standing on your soapbox insisting they are all alike so what does my vote matter, you prompted some friends or family to renege on their freedom to vote telling them until the right candidate even considers running for office we will hold our breath.
And what we have due to your inability to do nothing more then rant and rave and ruminate, we elected people like Congressman Joe Walsh who said, that Tammy Duckworth wasn't a hero because "all she talks about" is losing both her legs when the helicopter she was piloting was shot down in Iraq in 2004. Arizona Governor Jan Brewer requesting that the Supreme Court overturn a ruling that allows state employees to keep their same-sex partners on their benefits, including health insurance. Congressman Allen West stating that President Obama "does not want you to have the self-esteem of getting up and earning, and having that title of American ... he'd rather you be his slave." (Huffington Post)
And imagine as you pontificate and perform your pretend offended dance of disgust comparing all candidates as the same and once again in 2012 do not vote what monsters will arise from the dead? Makes you wonder if those elected because you stayed home will even permit you to vote when 2014 comes around?
And so, its a game a popularity game. Vote for Romney because you dislike Obama. Vote for the rest of the Republican/Tea Party because issues like equality, civil rights, health care, fair wages get in the way of your freedoms and of course the economy. Make the Republican/Tea Party the majority because the president didn’t say the word Gay 100 times just 78... didn’t pray to the right Jesus... didn’t decide to nuke the enemy but tried to find reason and rational...didn’t march with the Occupy movement...didn’t wear his flag lapel pin on the top right hand corner of his jacket...didn’t make gas prices go down as quickly as they rose. Vote for Romney because all he talks about is making the Salt Lake City Olympics a success, likes to fire proud of his wealth...wines and dines with billionaires...won’t talk about his governorship of Massachusetts... hates Gays, Immigrants, Women’s rights...Poor people.
Wait, you don’t fit into any of the above, but all you want to do is make a point that ALL politicians are the same and you want to teach them a lesson. Cool and as you do nothing, watch as the Constitution becomes misconstrued as a book of the less people are given permission to the middle class turns the division of wealth grows in the favor of the 1%.
Give ‘em hell as you teach those lousy politicians a lesson or two, who could possibly lose when you act that way?
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