On Monday, writer A.J. Delgado attributed the rising numbers of rapes reported on college campus’s to more women simply “crying rape.” Reps. Vance McAllister and John Fleming, both Republicans from Louisiana, berated a Democratic witness from the Defenders of Wildlife on Tuesday for illustrating abuses in wildlife refuges with photos of oil-slicked ponds; abandoned, leaky drums; and even bags and duct tape used for as long as a year to stave off spills in Louisiana national wildlife refuges. "As someone whose cousins were Christian missionaries in Africa, I have a difficult time watching the current administration appear to spend more time empowering radical Islamists in various countries than defending or protecting Christians," Rep Louie Gohmert said.
Pick your poison, be it arrogance toward women, disregard for polluting this nation or a continuous harangue that the president is not Christian enough thus not American enough; and you most likely will be in sad company with pundents and politicians more concerned with lemming-izing a nation then solving its problems. Pick your poison there is certainly enough of it around to kill a nation. Smarmy billionaires hide behind anonymity buying politicians, insincere political operatives create fear and phobias, inept entertainers pretend to to read the news but instead supply plenty of noise. No longer does the Constitution provide for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all but rather the select few who believe Jesus was the first president of the US. No longer do the freedoms FROM rate high, instead freedom FOR religion, carrying a gun, restrictive voting and denying reproductive rights are the all American anthem.
Stupid is no longer laughed at but celebrated. Call Gay marriage bad because it means less babies will be born thus the family unit will die. Call Planned Parenthood awful because it means women may not be good wives to their husbands. Call unemployed people lazy because if they really cared they would dig ditches. Call health care a Communist plot because in a true democracy from the most powerful nation in the world if people can’t afford to live well they deserves to die. Stupid gets elected; as long as you say enough hateful hurtful things toward the stupid self loathing that love thy neighbor becomes a Fascist slogan.
When I hear that the politicians who hate women, immigrants, non Christians, Gays, the poor, the elderly, the unions have a chance to take control of both House and Senate and I become limp. Politicians, supported by anonymous billionaires who would rather make money then protect rights actually have a chance to rule this nation. Stupid is like the zombie plague, one bite and it takes control of your brain and all you do is attack, destroy and kill. Stupid is a dangerous virus.
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