Not scared, really not even concerned? Sure those the whacky, weird rumination’s of politicians and now judges are just silly gestures without much consequence? Just laughable moments of insanity from T-Publicans who wear tri-corner hats? Sure that that kind of crazy has no impact on the real world, you know the place you like to call home? Well I AM afraid, very afraid because I have witnessed that in America governed by the fact-less rantings of FOX News, paid for by the puppeteers known as the Koch Brothers, incited by such bigots as Hannity and Limbaugh, that crazy never dies but in fact infects until it kills.
Three out of four Iowa Republican candidates for U.S. Senate said Friday they would block any federal judge appointee who did not have a “biblical view of justice” or follow “natural law” as handed down from God. …judges must have an “understanding where the Constitution came from and our laws, and they all did come from God.”“Biblical law” is often used as a code for opposition to marriage equality among social conservatives, and to promote a patriarchal family structure with one man and one woman.
Thinking that America is a safe secure democracy based on a Constitution that even the most uneducated citizen could grasp? Assured that even with a a few bad apples the rest of the bushel is safe to eat? Easily soothed that we have been a nation for at least 238 years so what could possibly happen now to change the status quo? Well I am worried. I am worried because the religious zealots, the Crusaders for Christ, the folks who hand select history are not fading into the sunset, but reigning down radiation. I am scared because the loudest noise is coming from the dumb while the supposedly intelligent remain silent.
Speaking at the Pastor for Life Luncheon, which was sponsored by Pro-Life Mississippi, Chief Justice Roy Moore of the Alabama Supreme Court declared that the First Amendment only applies to Christians because “Buddha didn’t create us, Mohammed didn’t create us, it was the God of the Holy Scriptures” who created us. “They didn’t bring the Koran over on the pilgrim ship,” he continued. “Let’s get real, let’s go back and learn our history. Let’s stop playing games.”(Huff Post)
Sarah Palin insists that a Baptism of torture is Gods plan for America’s enemies. Mike Huckabee says to hell with the Constitution, its the Bible that counts, and the Oklahoma state legislature has erected a monument honoring the 10 Commandments on the grounds of the state capitol. Not worried, scared, fearful that freedom from religion is no longer a priority; rather freedom of religion becoming the law of the land. One does not have to look too far to discover just how pervasive and penetrating those Christian Crusaders have become. Jihadist, religious terrorists, anti democratic citizens have now become patriots of Theocracy. In the eyes of this newest round of anarchists god still blesses America, but that God is only the one they believe in.
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