Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Monsters alive

America 2014 has taken on a new personality. Suddenly, patriotism is more about how to divide the country then unite it. Suddenly anything democratic is considered nostalgic to being a Nazi. Suddenly being a racist is cool. Suddenly freedom of religion trumps freedom from religion. Men and women calling themselves the Tea Party, never really bothering to read the history of their namesakes, are running roughshod on the American Constitution. Men and women who are bestowed the power of Judges care less for laws protecting the common citizen preferring instead to promote we vs them. We are living in  an era where fact does not matter, history is being rewritten, and concern for pursuit of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is hoarded for selfish reasons and proudly denied for anyone deemed different. Four people a microcosm of right wing/FOX News loving/Christian Crusader/conservatism have stated loud and clear their version of America. Read their words and wonder where you might fit in, in the landscape they have envisioned.  
Tennessee GOP State Senator Likens Obamacare Sign-Ups To Nazi Death Trains State Sen. Stacey Campfield (R) made the comment on his personal blog Monday morning in a post called, "Thought of the day” “I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro, “And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, millionaire deadbeat Cliven Bundy
“Everybody, to include the U.S. Supreme Court, has been deceived as to one little word in the First Amendment called ‘religion.' They can't define it.” Moore said. “They can't define it the way Mason, Madison and even the United State Supreme Court defined it, 'the duties we owe to the creator and the manner of discharging it.' They don’t want to do that, because that acknowledges a creator god. Buddha didn't create us. Mohammed didn't create us. It's the god of the Holy Scriptures. Moore continued: "They didn't bring a Koran over on the pilgrim ship, Mayflower. Let's get real. Let's go back and learn our history.” Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore. "The only way secession was considered was on the battlefield,” he said at the convention, according to the Associated Press. "Of course, secession lost on that. But in the court system, secession is still an open question. So it should be retained as a sovereign right” Don Hilbig (R), a delegate from Beloit, Wisconsin. 
If these quotes were random we could laugh at the stupidity of a few and go on with our day. But these individuals represent  too many Americans who think Jesus was the first president, there should be no government, all men and women are NOT created equal and that hate is basis for stronger nation. I always ask who is scarier the monster or the people who keep that monster alive?

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