Wednesday, May 14, 2014

I wonder sometimes

I wonder sometimes: When Speaker of the House John Boehner leaves the golf course or exits from his tanning booth does his chauffeur ever drive by poor people or is the route home always driven on roads paved for white privileged people only? Do the Koch Brothers think that their next generation of bulbous billionaire hand me down monied kids will survive living on a planet filled with carbon skies, polluted waterways drought filled days and flooded sea shores? Do the CEO’s of Monsanto really believe they can survive on food polluted by chemicals so scary and dangerous they are never listed on the poison filled products they produce? When the T-Publicans insisting that government is nothing but Communists or Socialists do they actually believe without any government rule they (the T-Publicans) will not be the first to shoot maim and kill each other?

I wonder sometimes: When sonny boy devout Catholic Paul Ryan disparages the poor or unemployed does he really think Jesus is sitting in heaven with his thumbs up saying ‘atta boy’? When Rush Limbaugh looks in the mirror does he close his eyes for fear that if he looks close enough at his reflection he too like Lot may turn to salt for all of his evil intended interventions and provocations? When Sister Sarah rants and raves using words fed to her by ghostly writers does she even once know what she just said or remember saying it?  When Ann Coulter the diva of dangerous conservative bigots states her crude, rude and insincere comments does she then go home and masturbate finding pleasure in being stupid? When Rand Paul plagiarizes, flip flops, or feigns knowledge of fact does he really think aside from the FOX News trolls anyone with a semblance of any IQ considers him nothing more then the US court jester?

I wonder sometimes: When the GOP wastes time and money on invented issues like the IRS birth certificates, Benghazi, and now Hillary’s health instead of earnestly trying to create jobs or fair immigration laws do they believe that eventually their shroud of arrogance and fabrication will not haunt them like the guy who cuts a silent fart only to have the cloud of smell remain over his head? When Mike Huckabee, or Michelle Bachmann, insist that Jesus has selected them to be his voiceover do they really think it is indeed the Devil speaking to them? When GOP state legislatures implement voter ID laws, cut back hours for voting do they not then silently hum the lyrics to the North Korean national anthem as motivation to continue disintegrating democracy? When Dick Cheney runs out of heart transplants will he finally find his conscience knowing full well he and all other war criminals end up dead in any place but Heaven? How Justice Clarence Thomas can’t imagine his stance on states rights would have never permitted him to marry his Caucasian wife?

I do wonder, however, how it seems in our most recent political atmosphere why the bad guys always seem to win. How morals and values seem meaningless as compared to vindictive, vicious and venomous. How freedom from religion is trumped by religious fanatics? How the Constitution can be trampled, edited, abridged citing the ugly and never quoting the fair and equal? How FOX News needs not be accountable to truth? How we feel fact should be questioned while heresy is honored. I wonder how much more of this hypocrisy we must endure before there is no longer a United States of and by the people?

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