It is always for the children, except when it isn’t. It is always for America, except when it isn’t. It is always for the sanctity of the family, except when it isn’t. It is always for God except when it isn’t. Another massacre of innocents took place by a sick individual using among other weapons of destruction a gun, and those on the right who sing hymns about children, America, family and God are not angry at the murderer but pissed as hell for those who blame the guns he used to kill. Outrage by the minions who gorge on lies and deception are all aghast that once again we want to talk about who, how and when guns are used in this nation. Joe the Plumber (another protege of John McCain along with Sarah Palin) states in his stupid unintelligent manner consistent with those who only understand hatred, “your dead kids don’t trump my Constitutional rights,” Even though he states he is a father, the only way to demonstrate a father or husbands love is to have your gun at the ready. For fools like Joe the Plumber it is always about the children, America, family and God except when it is NOT.
It is always for the children, America, family and God, except when it isn’t. Fracking, GMO’s Climate Change all issues that reflect on the quality of life for the common man have become fighting words. Even more then ever in the history of greed and gluttony of this nation the economies of corporations have merged as a priority over the economies of wealth and well being for people who are not deemed corporations. We do not require the Oil Conglomerates who frack the land to tell us what chemicals they use to drill the Earth. The men at Monsanto refuse to disclose what chemicals they have invented for their pesticides and fertilizers. The T-Publican dominated state legislature along within their Governor want to make it a law that any mention of climate change in that state will lead to a fine and maybe an arrest. Seepage of fracking water, drainage and consumption of GMO’s droughts, mega hurricanes, floods maim and murder millions but silence seems to be the golden rule.Do the next generation of children of Americans who believe in family God not matter?
Hypocrisy is as old as human kind. Once a person becomes insecure in the truth afraid that his/her facts are really fiction or just pretend to be someone they will never become hypocrisy is like breathing oxygen, they cannot live without it. How many Evangelicals who swear a zygote is a life have voted against, Food Stamps, Head Start, Extended Unemployment Benefits? How many gun totting mama’s have cried foul don’t touch my arsenal even though someone else's babies have been killed by the same weaponry they brag about? How many politicians who worry about family would rather accept lobbying funds from polluters whose products affect the environment in which all those families live. It is always for the children, America, family God until something better comes along. One more day of mass murder and all we get is hand ringing, noise and absolutely nothing else.
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