Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Bang, bang!

I am not as afraid of the government, riding in black cars with black helicopters taking away my freedoms as I am when I see groups of men brandishing assault weapons and riffles walking into a restaurant. I am not as scared of losing my liberties to the government as I am when men who prefer not to pay taxes or try to democratically change the law place their 30 rounds of ammo at the faces and bodies of Federal Marshals. I am not worried that when true Americans who have access to to firearms use them responsibly, discuss the Second Amendment, but I am terrified when anarchists, Christian jihadist’s, Tea Party fanatics pretend to even understand the value of the Second Amendment or have ever read the Constitution.

I am not as afraid that martial law will be imposed as I am when I see militias roaming the backwoods, intimidating minority populations, preferring the Bible over the Bill of Rights. I am not as scared of the government coming for my guns as I am when I see the gun lobbyists ignoring the rights of the innocent and accusing victims of gun violence as being the cause for such. I am not as worried that the laws asking for background checks, mental health status or size and caliber of gun used be registered as I am with the lawlessness, arrogance, ignorance of gun owners who think going to Church, a bar, a political rally will make you a better American and safer.

I am afraid, scared and worried that yet one more mass shooting has taken place and it has become so common place that the shock and awe is as great as George Bush’s failed attempt to explain his war in Iraq. I am terrified that the Second Amendment is so misinterpreted and maligned by people who would like to take us back to the days when High Noon was the only way to keep peace. I am angry as hell when politicians would rather pocket the dollars of gun manufactures,ammunition producers and a savvy group men whose profit depends on the loss of life. I am flabbergasted that the men and women who proclaim they are pro-life have nom problem with the proliferation of assault weapons, get angry when reasonable gun safety laws are proposed or even a debate on Second Amendment is suggested.

Why is it the responsible gun owners are never the ones wearing camouflage, waving their rifles in the air, threatening to stand their ground? Why is it that those who refuse to acknowledge this is a nation based on democracy with laws that can be voted upon by politicians elected into office seem to think only they know the TRUE American way? Why is it that those who proclaim Jesus as their Lord and Savior think that He was a general in the Revolutionary Army or worse the Commander for the Confederate Forces? Why have we such lack of respect for both the gun owner and those who want responsible gun ownership? Bang, Bang!

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