Vay ist mir, such a Fer-Schtook-In-Ah. Let them rattle like an old radiator until the steam is gone and all they got is rust in their pipes. Stand back however, because you never know when the gasket will blow. Then my Grandma Braff would take a sip of her tea with three scoops of sugar make sure her red lipstick did not smudge the tea cup and sigh, “…they are lost in their own lies”; then turn to anyone close by and add “…those schmoe’s should never be found let them wander far, far away.” Grandma Braff was not much in tolerating what she felt was a wind bag who only liked to blow their own garbage around. If you actually believed in something strongly enough there was no exceptions she would say. You can’t tell me that you keep Kosher but your Uncle Saul is coming over for dinner and he wants pork chops. You cook the pork chops you have no idea what Kosher is. “No exceptions”, she would sometimes say as we played gin rummy on those exceptionally cold winter afternoons in Pittsburgh, “just because your Uncle Saul likes pork chops. “Gerry” she would say or add the name of her gin rummy opponent, you either have a reason for your cause or your cause causes others to have concern.” “A piece of advice, Grandma Braff would say right before she was ready to have a gin rummy, holding her cards flat out like a fan, “…if it is true then you need no excuses for it, and I love you very much but cards takes no prisoners” “Gin!
A Dallas TV host walked off the set of her show Tuesday after an argument erupted over her disapproval of Michael Sam kissing his boyfriend. Kushnir said that she was against the network airing the kiss, and argued that it strayed from ESPN's tradition of promoting "all-American sports.” "When parents do not have a choice as to whether or not they want their children to see this, it's wrong," she said. "It's being pushed in faces.... I don't want to see that. I don't want to see cake in your face, kissing each other.” The same huffy puffy homophobe however had no hesitation in being carried on to stage by four bare chested hunks scantily clad in tight fitting closes so all of their body parts could be recognized and ogled over. Nothing says all American sports like muscled guys carrying a middle aged woman onto a television stage. As Grandma Braff might have said, two men with muscles kissed, four men with muscles kissed your ass, so what is your complaint?
A coalition of black pastors have condemned gay marriage, saying it's incorrect to compare the fight for equal marriage rights to the civil rights movement. "The fact that American media or other factions erroneously characterize the traditional meaning of 'marriage' as being on par with the civil rights deprivations of Black Americans does not make it so," the brief states. "Comparing the dilemmas of same-sex couples to the centuries of discrimination faced by Black Americans is a distortion of our country’s cultural and legal history.” So now it seems discrimination has its levels of importance. Suddenly someone else’s struggle for acceptance is never as meaningful or purposeful as yours. Your inability to accept others has nothing to do with the difficulty others have in accepting you. Grandma Braff might have added its okay for you to hate because you have your reasons and they are valid, but when others hate you there can nor will ever be any validation.
Grandma Braff would say “they are lost in their own lies”,probably secure in not wanting to be found. There is a lot wrong with bigotry and hate, but the one redeeming saving grace might just be TO BE HONEST about it. Grandma Braff would have never said this out loud even with her second glass of Peach Schnapps, but I am sure she thought it often, everyone goes to the bathroom and dear everyone’s shit does smell.
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