Saturday, February 28, 2015

idiot iteration, again

It might seem like some madcap moment from a Marx Brothers movie a Night at the Congress, or some sinister scene from George A. Romero, Night of the Living Congress, or even an epic film by George Cukor Gone with the Congress, but instead it is American politics 2015 starring imbeciles elected to office by gerrymandering, Citizens United and a fascist group of believers in Evangelical terrorism.  The T-Publicans pretending to be anything but democratic and concerned about America have placed their Racist, Bigoted, UnEducated small minded intelligences first and foremost and have decided to not fund the Department of Homeland Security. We hate that Kenyan, they mutter, who somehow was elected twice into office by unanimous support so much that we will show his Negro ass who the real masters of the plantation are and spite him whenever we can. And so the the T-Publicans sans white hoods have demonstrated once again just how much they loath Americans and how much they love to hate President Barack Obama. Just say NO!

If in fact the President’s Executive Orders and Actions are the real issue, the T-Publicans should act responsibly and tackle that issue as an ISSUE. Bully’s love to evade the truth and never like an honest confrontation. These T-Publicans rant and rave about security, wars, fighting terrorism and bang on their chests so hard that they seem to break a few ribs in doing so, but hey they are the first to cut back on Veteran affairs, not sign on for War powers, and now could care less that the Department of Homeland will be left to fall apart. John Boehner, Speaker of the House, is the third in line to be president (should something awful befall the president and vice president )and his leadership in the House has been anything but representative. The same men and women who shout things like freedom of religion is greater then freedom from religion, this is a Christian nation, legitimate rape, voter restriction is true democracy, have now added to their repertoire Hell no, no funding for homeland security. Just because!

The T-Publican clown show has added an extra week’s matinee until it next demonstrates just how foolish it can behave when trying to legislate any of America’s business. Wasting tax payers dollars, Americans livelihoods, or this nation’s effort to maintain security, these band of T-Publican idiots more eager to participate in a lynching then democratic duties. Most mediocre movies now have sequels with each new film more dire and disastrous then the original; this T-Publican majority Congress gets scarier and scarier with each iteration of their version of dumb and dumber!

Friday, February 27, 2015

Snowball in Hell

A snowball’s chance in hell, so demonstrates Senator Inhofe of Oklahoma as he provided the hall of the Senate with a home made snowball, rolled and rounded by his stupid little hands. It’s cold outside this moron says, so how in  Jesus’s world could there be global warming or climate change.This senator is the head honcho for the EPA senatorial committee, the dude in charge of establishing the rules and regulations that will set the agenda for the kind of or lack of clean air we breathe. Like his other Koch Brother paid for puppets of the T-Publican Party, the anti-science charade of fools continue to insist that dumb is both a Christian and American tradition.

The Senator from Oklahoma is not alone in his war against science. Of course he has cohorts in the Congress who insist that women can poop out babies like they do when they make a number two,or a state representative from Nevada who knows better then anyone that cancer is just a fungus and using some form of baking soda will wash it all away. A Congressman from Texas wants to place a tax on any wind generated utilities as he is sure that the more we use wind the less of it there will be. Back in Oklahoma the Governor wants to tax the use of solar power since the sun is not a natural form of energy. They all swear these things are true as they hold their abridged versions of the New Testament and a Koch Bothers endorsement for future campaign donations in their greedy little hands. 

Many of these T-Publicans insist that they are Christians who only are doing God’s work to save this planet for the children. They brag that they are the ones with better morals and true values, but denying that the Earth is growing hotter, more polluted, more hostile to all living things sounds much like the work of the Devil. When the sea levels rise, crops are few and far between, breathing becomes more labored and dangerous exactly whose kids are you saving and which families will be around to survive. But stupid is a virulent and violent virus and for these Koch Brother puppets, hypocritical Christian crusaders stupid matters. Remember when science finally convinced a majority of the religious community that in fact it was the Earth that rotated around the Sun and the the Earth was indeed round not flat we thought great strides were being made to eradicate the dumb. Well now you have a senator bringing a snow ball into the Senate chambers telling us if it is winter there can be no global warming…do you think that in 2015 science can withstand it presence or will it survive like a snowball in Hell?

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Thrive stupid

You permit the foolish to pretend they are smart, disguising the facts from fiction, truth from bias,  ideals from idiocy and you get a bunch of bully’s so fearful of their own failures as to try and diminish the laws of the land for anyone they deem the OTHER. Promote the lowest denominator surround them with self aggrandizing, simpletons who thrive and prosper in cesspools of bigotry peppered with portions of a Bible riddled with accusations and human inspired arguments and you get a sense of indignation and wrongful righteousness at the ready to topple the democratic principles upon which this nation was established. Hypocrisy flourishes like weeds in an unkempt garden, fallacy becomes contagious like an outbreak of measles, evil permeates the environment like the stench of smog and monsters once hidden in the crevices of stupid, ignorant, and foolish begin to walk among us.

For many of the Evangelical Christian community in America, the history of this nation is useless unless it is distorted or contorted to fit into a narration complete with never do unto others who don’t think, look, act or pray like us. The Constitution, for these modern day religious Crusaders is only convenient when its law conveniently cover their biases and segregated thinking.Don’t bring me your tired or poor, don’t expect the pursuit of happiness if you happen to be a person who is a homosexual. Nope your rights are as null and void as the contents of the Constitution we disagree with, the articles that Jesus himself surely did not pen.

So now there is a movement to Christianize this nation, making it a one religion fits all kind of enclave where the laws of the land will be based on the Ten Commandments with a few dozen other “thou shalt not’s” added to keep the “OTHERS” from enjoying equality and freedom. True Christian state’s rights will usurp the protections for people who are deemed the enemy, by people who believe they are the gate keepers for Christ. The nation-states of Arkansas passed a law to permit discrimination against LGBT people in housing, hiring and service. Oklahoma law makers want to fire any civil servant who attempts to perform same-sex marriages. Alabama’s elected Supreme Court judge insists that the abomination of same-sex marriage will NOT or NEVER become legal in his personal Christian state. The country of Idaho wants to legalize Christianity as the official religion ignoring the First Amendment of the the other country the United States Constitution.  Motivated by gerrymandered districts, buoyed by FOX propaganda network , inspired by faux religious hierarchy all of the UnAmerican actions take strong footing and are in place to make this nation Evangelical Christian.

You permit the stupid to thrive and everyone else dies!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


When the Gov, Scottie Walker was asked if he agreed with Rudy the (Reality Star) Giullani and his cohorts of mad hatter tea baggers, if President Obama was a Christian, little Scottie, reading from the script supplied to him by his benefactors and puppet masters the Koch’s started he wasn’t sure, then added but Scottie knew he was.

Now, I am not a Christian (which seems to be the gold standard most inbred Evangelical and Christian Crusaders measure Americans by), but I know a whole lot of people who proudly identity themselves as Christians and they use words like equality, freedom, fair and justice, words they tell me their religion is proud of. President Obama may not be a whole lot of things but he too uses words like same-sex marriage, equal pay for equal work for women, immigrants are people, affordable health care for all which when taken syllable by syllable mean, equality, freedom, fair and just. So Scottie Walker how are you NOT sure the president is NOT a Christian, while sure as tootin’ declaring that you are?

I know a lot of Evangelical Christians believe that the New Testament is the one and only true book by which this nation should be measured. A lot of the T-Publicans hate history, finding that the real facts never quite fit in with their foibles and fables. Insecure about their own existences the T-Publicans love to create fiction to prove a point, a point that moist educated and informed people would dispute with reason and rational. However, real, reason and rational have somehow been banished to the back of the road while, bias, bogus, bigotry  and challenges of just how Christian you are or could be have been seem to be leading the way forward. So when Scottie Walker, running for president on the Koch Party ticket is asked about Christianity his response is that of a coward never speaking the truth but insisting on hate and loathing. This nation was once founded on freedom from religion but with the machinations and manipulations from men and women who despise anyone not like them, who fear debate or discussion, who prefer “we” vs “they” , who would rather make everyone else the OTHER, we are becoming a nation of one religion. And even more disheartening they remind us love US or leave.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Lady parts...

During a debate over an anti-abortion bill, a Republican lawmaker in Idaho asked Monday whether women can just swallow a tiny camera in order to conduct a gynecological exam remotely with a doctor. Lady parts are so damn tricky, but so are the T-Publican men who want to act as physician, psychiatrist, pastor and preacher as they insist they know so much more then the ladies who own those parts. It is like that pesky rape thing, you know when women only want attention so they pretend the rape, making it illegitimate, and honestly dudes, women want it from you anyway so is rape ever LEGITIMATE! 

Then is there is that icky same-sex kind of sex. The T-Publicans and their Christian Jihadists love to fantasize about how two of the same gender have sex, stating clearly it is perverse, but perversely salivating over and over again how its done and who is doing it. Somehow same-sex couples can not love one another the same way opposite sex couples do; you know like when the man cheats on his wife or beats her. Or when the husband gets all kind of irritated with the wife when she leaves him due to abuse and he punishes her by stalking her or killing her. Nothing says opposite sex love like a bruise or two!

And whoa, wait, there is that insistence that health care is a privilege, and if you ain’t got the goods to buy it God don’t want you to have it. Full of false family values the T-Publicans love to saunter and simmer about morals and purpose, as they purposely propose legislation to deny the poor from receiving any access to affordable health care. Its just not natural they clammer, to permit all humans the opportunity to live a healthy life style; no need for quality air, an Earth free of pollution, vaccinations and affordable visits to the doctors, MALARKY! 

It might be funny, how hypocritical, unintelligent, selfish and self serving the T-Publicans are, but the jokes they perpetuate make the rest of us the laughing stock and that is not fun. How much more stupidity about women’s reproductive rights, same-sex marriages, health care are we to take from a gang of thugs too dumb to ever find the facts and too intent on hate to seek the truth? 

Monday, February 23, 2015

Scottie boy

Asked whether he agreed with Giuliani's contention that President Barack Obama doesn't love America, a remark made at a private dinner for Scott Walker in New York, the governor said, "I don't really know what his opinions are on that one way or another.” (Huff Post Politics)

Dear Scottie Boy, 
Wow! You walk alike, talk alike and times you even smell like the Koch Brothers. Interestingly enough Scottie, even though the Koch Brothers have tons and gads of money they have not managed to hide the marionette strings that bind your body to their manipulations. You are a true play for pay kind of guy, gregariously seeking a nod to become president of the Koch States of America. No shame in admitting your stupidity, nope as long as your Big Brothers call all the shots and write your script for you you can be as dumb as they get; and brother you are.

Amazing how Citizens United can take a fool and make him fodder for the mad men who love selfish and insincere. Interesting how having no conscience, no moral fiber, no backbone seem to payoff in the politics of America 2015. You are flying high as you de-value education in your state, try and remove any kind of love or sympathy for same-sex couples by denying them hospital visitation rights, refusing to consider the needs of those who labor for work, hating those on welfare but loving to be the recipient of the welfare checks from the Koch’s. You want to represent the T-Publicans as the man who CAN DO, but if you are nominated all you WILL DO will only be for the masters of manipulation. You are riding high Scottie on the wings of billionaire brothers who somehow think their next generation of kin won’t be bothered by climate change, won’t inhale rotten air from discarded EPA standards, won’t need to drive  or live on malfunctioning infrastructure.

You often like to punt on anything begging the truth from you. You think evasive is cool, that catering to a base of nitwits is best, that acting as a puppet for some who think of nothing but their own needs is American. One more conman trying to dupe the dumb, nice place to reside in the annals of history Scottie, just how proud does that make you, Scottie boy?

in the land of folly

In the land of Folly, truth is an outlier forced to find sanctuary elsewhere, and nowhere near the feeble minds, insincere souls, and weak kneed immoral fools who perish at the first sign of honest or real. In the land of Folly hero’s are those who can force feed a lie in matters of minutes, to the starving finger pointing peasants all waiting their turn to blame the “others” for their own dismal and undistinguished lives. Blame is a sign of courage in the land of Folly. Never point your finger toward yourself, instead find a gaggle of Gays, a coven of Women, a plantation of Blacks, a ragtag band of Immigrants and shout in your loudest voice ruination and ridicule. Remove yourself or we will take the law into our own hands and prove you the Devil, they perversely say in the land of Folly, we can make or break ignore or delight in any law we choose. History proves nothing in the land of Folly, especially if it ever proves one of our points to be just folly!

In the land of Folly, a fools paradise for demoted politicians, you can swear allegiance to your nation just because it is you saying so while at the same time throwing shade and innuendo to anyone who just makes more sense then you do. Call yourself Giuliani but call the president a traitor, a Communist, basing your baloney on nothing more then a soap box and the eyes and ears of folk praying for the Rapture and relishing in the ridiculous. Call yourself O’Riley and mimic others for lying about their heroics, while the most heroic thing you have ever done was bully a guest or two on your television show, languishing in the laughter of losers, pouring cool aid into their drooling and deliriously dopey mouths. Say you love your dad and brother but that you not a Bush like they are while surrounding yourself with men and women who lied about taxes, weapons of mass destruction, the economy, and actually caring for the minorities. In the land of Folly, you can run for the highest office of the land while being a marionette for the billionaires who somehow love climate change, income inequality, and have’s over the have nots! Have no remorse as you cow tow to the lowly lemming, and have the highest praise for the powerful and perverse!

The land of Folly sadly is as pervasive and perversive in the US as is ISIL in the Middle East. Bands of commandos disguised as FOX News Entertainers, Evangelical Christian Broadcasters, T-Publican politicians have sabotaged the Constitution, abandoning it for an abridged version of a Bible filled more with babble then soul. Bands of religious terrorists have taken to state courts and legislatures insisting that their God the white guy named Jesus who doubled as the first president of the United States caused the Revolutionary War to maintain freedom for one religion, a caste system keeping heterosexual white men as plantation owners, and for the Ten Commandments to be taught as history. The land of Folly is like a virus for the stupid, never managing the truth but filling American bodies with a fever of the foolish and a virulent virus fir the bigot, biased and bogus. In the land of Folly no one ever wins, but a while lot of people lose and will become lost.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

If I wanted to

If I wanted to I could pretend that I understood the homophobia of the self proclaimed Evangelical Christians elected to government who somehow have misconstrued the words of an abridged Bible for a derelict direction of the US Constitution; Oklahoma state legislators trying to pass laws criminalizing state employees performing same-sex marriages orAlabama state officials trying to ban any and all marriages performed by the state so they can discriminate against same-sex marriages. If I wanted to I could pretend that hate and bogus were symptoms of really righteous religious people who felt that their God’s bias usurped the law and character of this nation. If I wanted to I could turn the other cheek and sadly say religion has clouded the views of the innocent blinding any truth or fact from finding its way to govern a nation founded on freedom from religion. But I am tired of all that and certainly sick of permitting a band of anarchists, from denying my rights, circumventing my equality, and using their belief in God as a scapegoat for bigotry, ignorance and loathing. I have let FOX News, Limbaugh radio, some perceived T-Publican base of voters, and a band of Fascists and terrorists run rampant rewriting history, plagiarizing our Constitution, and insisting that only their morals and values count.

If I wanted to I could laugh at the cadre of clowns posing as potential T-Publican candidates for the 2016 presidential race. But these men and women are not funny, they are scary clowns and everyone knows that scary clowns only cause death and destruction. These clowns have insisted that some Americans should die before providing them with affordable health care, that poverty is a self inflicted addition like drugs and alcohol, that science is the antichrist. These fools have suggested that only the wealthy deserve a cut in taxes, climate change is a liberal joke and that wars are necessary to proclaim the US as a nation of superiority. These clowns love throwing pies in the faces of females still declaring that rape can either be legitimate or laughable,that women's reproductive rights are wrong, and fair pay for women is not what God had intended when he created Eve from Adam’s rib! I have let the self loathing ladies of FOX, American Family Foundation, and the Daughters of the American Revolution too much room in speaking for the women I call my daughter, sisters , aunts, nieces and friends grovel for their male masters much too much, pretending that equality is like excpetionalism, and reproductive rights are nothing more but whorish and witch craft.

I do not want to let one more coward become the bully. I do not want one more politician elected from a gerrymandered district to initiate laws based on bias. I do not want to hear that Jesus, Reagan and Cheney were the perfect presidents. I do not want to sit back idly as Geraldo tells black young men to not wear hoodies, Limbaugh calls independent thinking women sluts, the state of Texas burns books, and the T-Publicans try to shut down the government just because Barack Obama is the president. I do not want this nation to forget its history replacing facts with pretend, pundents as patriots and bigots as leaders. Lies, deception, bias and hate have somehow taken priority leaving reason and rational in a dead heat to die. If i wanted to i could keep my head in the sand hoping that the ship of fools would sail by me. But the more I pretend the stupid are going away, the more stupid I become.

Monday, February 16, 2015

The company You keep

The boys with the hoods (no wonder T-Pubs and Geraldo Rivera fear those hoodies) are loving themselves some tyranny from the likes of an anarchist dressed in a black robe. The Klansmen of Mississippi are all hot and bothered at the ready for a little confederacy civil war to fight the likes of those folk who prefer democratic principles over fascist bigotry. Justice Roy Moore is fighting Jesus’s war in Alabama, for his kind of God who is a member of the NRA, fought with the South and still yearns for those separate white fountains only and seats for the slaves in the back of the bus. The Klansmen are missing the days of segregation when whites ruled the plantations and Christians were the only true Americans. Hey Justice Moore you gotta love the company you keep!

The American Family Association has spokesmen (it is a man’s world don’t you know) who insist that if Jews want to immigrate to this nation and for that fact have already immigrated a few generations ago, they should leave that darn God of theirs oversees and embrace the one true God who hates the poor, despises women, and is certainly not for the freedoms of the many just for the selected few, the first president of the US of A, Jesus. The American Family Association has sponsored a trip for the Republican National Committee to visit the Holy Land (AKA Israel). It is not so much a love for Israel but more of a hate for anything Islam, and certainly a hope that once all those pesky Jews all over the world emigrate to Israel that the Rapture can finally take place and we will be rid of those Jews once and for all. Never one for open and honest, the RNC have not said word one if any of their stalwart anti-democratic members went with the American Family Association but have not denied the trip either. The RNC love to cow tow to a very bigoted base, hoping that the fools will sail on a ship for the foolish led by the RNC who love voter suppression, inequality, hate women and certainly loathe anyone of color. Hey RNC you gotta love the company you keep!

Scott Walker, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Chris Christie have bent over backwards to receive a kick in the ass from the Koch Brothers. These four possible T-Publican candidates for president, have permitted the Koch’s to set up agenda’s prioritize mission statements, and turn these grown men into groveling goons and pandering puppets hoping to become the masters boy toys! The Koch’s love to play S&M with their whiney, wanna be’s making each and everyone of the possible Prez candidates say stupid things like climate change does not exist, fair wages is a commie invention, and women have been and are always chattel. Walker, Cruz, Paul and Christie love being the whipping boys for the ignorant and arrogant, hoping that their daddy Koch’s will send them millions to help buy their way into the White House. Hey Scott, Ted, Rand and Chris you gotta love the company you keep!

Friday, February 13, 2015

another idiot

Not to the surprise of most intelligent folk, the Klan brothers of Mississippi right across the boarder from Alabama have given a tip of their hoods to Roy Moore for his crusade against fair and equal rights for same-sex marriage. The KKK of Mississippi said the following: "The Mississippi Klan salutes Alabama's chief justice Roy Moore, for refusing to bow to the yoke of Federal tyranny," "The Feds have no authority over individual States marriage laws. The fudgepackers from Hollywood and all major news networks are in shock that the good people from the heart of Dixie are resisting their Imperialist, Communist Homosexual agenda!” In Alabama and Mississippi black robes have become the new white robes. No tyranny of course from the soldiers of the Confederacy who still believe they won the Civil War, who assume being of the Caucasian race they have ownership of democracy. Once again a homosexual agenda, that feisty list of items giving the Gays super power, too powerful for the Constitution and way too powerful for the first president of the Confederate States of America, Jesus (even though he was from the Middle East he is white as snow with blond hair) Christ.

Never one to be outranked in bogus and bullshit, Senator Ted Cruz reintroduced the so-called State Marriage Defense Act which would require the federal government to recognize only marriages that are valid under the laws of the state in which a couple are domiciled. The bill would callously strip federal rights and benefits from married same-sex couples – like federal employee health benefits, military spouse benefits, immigration rights, and many others – simply because of the state in which they currently live.  In the name of protecting “states’ rights,” Interestingly enough Teddy Cruz is the son of an immigrant father from Cuba who left the Island supposedly because Fidel Castro was violating equal rights for its citizens. It seems for Teddy Cruz as long as it is the Commies who deny equal protections and equal rights it is a bad thing. If it is the children of Christ who are sure the Bible usurps anything fair and equal it is an All-American kind of thing. Oh yeah, a co-sponsor of this bill is Senator David Vitter, you know, the guy who while married paid for quite a few therapy sessions with prostitutes.

It doesn’t seem to stop with this brand of T-Publicans more interested in scratching at the dirt of the dumb they call their base to continue to scapegoat the LGBT community. It started with good ole’ Karl Rove during W’s first whimsical mystery tour for president when  a lot of of anti gay rights bills were listed on state ballots. And it continues now with full force to scare a part of the public who never ever look at their own misdeeds and misdirection for their failures but prefer to blame anyone else but themselves. Discrimination is a ploy well played by the T-Publicans and their propagandists on FOX at Evangelical Churches and the castles of the Koch’s. Many of us watch in disbelief, but the accident still happens. Right now there are minor injuries, but we had better take more caution or some major mayhem is certainly going to take place.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

history repeated

History repeats itself often and to the chagrin of the ignorant, there never seems to be a lesson learned from which growth and change can happen. Vladimir Putin has run roughshod with the Russian economy, and like his nemesis, the Nazi’s and Adolph Hitler to be exact, Mr Putin rather then try and correct his own malfeasance and misguided economic tools chose to blame the ruins of Russia on a demographic. Hitler used the Jews and the homosexuals as scapegoats blaming the woos of the German economic disarray on them. Mr Putin followed suit by insisting it is the deviant behavior and sub human behavior of the homosexuals that has caused turbulence with the Russian ruble. Hitler and Putin both experts at propaganda realized that if the dumb of the nation could be duped into in blaming and shaming the “others” then hardly anyone could take the time and decipher the real fact, the fact that either leader knows nothing about leadership. 

In the Christian Fundamentalist nation-state known as Kansas, Governor Sam Brownback is demonstrating the charms and poisons of other dictators whose own economic policies, (his of the trickle down theory,) which never quite worked and finding reasons why no one should ever talk about its failures. Less taxes from the wealthy, has created a very lopsided budget for Brownback and the Christian nation-state of Kansas is suffering the consequences of a fool. So, like the cowards before him who can never admit their own inadequacies and failures Governor Brownback has sought out a scapegoat; not necessarily to blame the entirety of his economic collapse but to defer any more accusations of incompetency. Ever so much like the minions of dictators before him and now the cadre of bigots and homophobes calling themselves T-Publicans, Governor Brownback has refocused his lack of smarts on the rights and equalities of the LGBT community. Kansas can now add to its top ten list of discriminatory laws against the LGBT community the fact that being Gay is cause enough to be fired, never hired or hardly promoted. Governor Brownback is somehow sure the deviants calling themselves homosexuals are not really Americans and of course not citizens of Kansas.

Most inept, insecure leaders prove just how they lack foresight or insight into governing whenever they refuse to point the fingers of failure toward themselves but instead point all ten fingers outward blaming the “others” for any and all misfortune. Their scapegoat mentality plays well for the crowd of losers who would rather keep their heads in the sand then trudge forward. In Kansas history is repeating itself with a leader who is dead wrong in his approach toward the welfare of his population and who instead insists the devil is never in his details but those who call themselves homosexual.  

legitimate morons

It is usually the homosexuals, the ones who have the power to end the institution of marriage with a simple “I do”, the immigrants, especially those with cantaloupe calves who are stealing the below minimum wage jobs, or people of color, especially the men and boys whose intent is to ignore the police, that the T-Publicans love to blame for destroying capitalism, democracy and of course fundamental christianity, (the one true religion upon which the Christian Founding Fathers founded America). Screw the real Constitution say the T-Publicans we prefer the script that Hannity, Palin, Beck or Limbaugh are reading from, the one in which equal rights do not equal rights for just ANYONE. But always opening their tent for more hate, these same good ole’ boys and their Barbie Doll gals never, ever want to exclude a bit of misogyny for the women folk(you know the dames who actually want control of their own reproductive and personal body rights.) Never the GUYS to stop perseverating over genitalia, sexual acts or anything female, the T-Publicans are at it once again delegitimizing rape. Women folk are chattel for these individuals and chattel after all is one man’s property.

A Republican state lawmaker said Thursday that women who become pregnant from sexual assault should not be exempt from an anti-abortion measure, because childbirth resulting from rape is “beautiful." West Virginia Del. Brian Kurcaba (R) (Huff Post). “Just like any rape, you have to report it, and you have to prove it,” Missouri state (R) Rep. Rick Brattin, author of legislation that would “require women who want an abortion to present written consent from the father. The bill includes exceptions for instances of rape and incest-as long as the woman can prove they are legitimate!”(Mother Jones). And, Last Thursday, House Republicans introduced legislation to require forced vaginal ultrasounds before receiving an abortion--or what many consider to be state-sponsored rape.

In the America as seen by Fundamentalist Christian politicians mostly elected into office via gerrymandered districts from states with voter ID Laws paid for by men who hate anyone not like them, there is bleak kind of future very much draped in Fascism, Theocracy, with fanaticism by self serving prophets intent to keep the dumb dumber and the minority in tow. The majority of these fools call them selves T-Publicans a cadre of fearful lemmings who need to find an enemy so they can feel brave. We just held an election and believe it or not more of these RAPE is either Legitimate or not, women are too stupid to know their own bodies politicians have been elected. If you thought you were safe from discrimination because you are not Gay, or Black or an Immigrant, just a white American woman better check your own stupidity at the state run legitimate rape doctors office, because they are coming for you!  

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

something other

The Supreme Court’s decision on Monday not to delay same-sex marriage in Alabama came with a blistering dissent from Justice Clarence Thomas who criticized his fellow justices for looking “the other way” as another federal court pushes aside state laws, rather than taking the customary course of leaving the laws in place until the court addresses larger constitutional issues. “I would have shown the people of Alabama,”

Justice Clarence Thomas is a hypocrite with a convenient and very short sense of history. He is a black man and he is married to a white woman. His marriage is very similar to: Mildred Loving, a black woman, and Richard Loving, a white man, who had been sentenced to a year in prison in Virginia for marrying each other. Their marriage violated the state's anti-miscegenation statute, the Racial Integrity Act of 1924, which prohibited marriage between people classified as "white" and people classified as “colored”.For reasons regarding God’s will, the salvaging of the institution of marriage and oh yeah, tons and tons of bigotry,bias and Racism, the state of Virginia believed some of its citizens deserved equality and others did not. In the state of Virginia prior to 1967 it was fine and dandy to discriminate against the rights of Americans. It would still be okay to deny equality had the Supreme Court not stepped in and stopped this inequality. 

Justice Thomas concluded, his tirade by adding the following comment [Alabamian’s] “are lacking the respect they deserve and should preserve the status quo while the court resolves this important constitutional question.” (Huff Post). Whose respect should be preserved a bunch of men and women who would deny equal marriage rights over the men and women who just want the same rights as all other Alabamians. Because it is stated as a status quo, no matter how irrational, irreverent, unfair and unjust it should remain in tact. Justice Thomas is a sad sack of a hypocrite, hacking away at the “others”, when in fact his marriage was and most likely still is considered something other then natural. Hate hangs heavy on hypocrites. 

Monday, February 9, 2015


Brian Williams has either, fabricated a story, became delusional, told a tall tale or out and out lied. What separates Brian Williams from people like Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reily, or Geraldo Rivera, are two separate words, FOX News.  Most of the entertainers employed by FOX News, fabricate, are delusional, tell the tallest tales or lie, yet there is no major uproar from the cadre of American viewers as these right wing fascists spew disinformation purposely and intentionally. We are now disparaging Brian Williams as if he alone has infected the legitimacy of journalism and placed an end to the world of the free press. We are appalled, full of apoplexy, insulted and infuriated because a man of the news has made up some of the news he communicates. Yet day in and day out propaganda is poured on the American public fanning the dumb to heights of flaming stupidity by almost everyone on FOX News and no murmur of madness or threats of murder emulate and multiply. You have to wonder why?

Truth it seems has fallen from the mouths of most politicians now a days replaced by the ventriloquists sentences of the puppeteers who own them. No reward in facts when fiction can buy you an elected office thanks in part to the very activist Supreme Court jokers. Honesty was replaced in the American pop psyche when enough fools actually believed that reality television was real, and that Joe the Plumber was intelligent. We voted for Sarah Palin, believing that seeing Russia from her front porch was enough knowledge of foreign affairs, and listened intently as George Bush claimed victory in Iraq. We voted for he and the real president Dick Cheney twice.

Brian Williams is not an honest broker, he like Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton (who sort of thought they lived a life without Iran Contra or Monica Lewinsky), remember a life lived minus some very important details. Brian Williams is being booed and hissed for claiming he was as brave as many Vets who actually did risk life and limb. The guys and gals on FOX News place the life and limbs of the poor, people of color, women, homosexuals, Muslims on the line every day as they embellish, deny and lie about the truth. Brian Williams rightfully so has removed himself from the public airways, so others may decipher the truth…Hannity, O’Reily, Rivera, Kelly, Smith, Van Susteren et al, are still plowing away on the air lying their asses off. One of these things is not like the other, and you have to wonder why!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

for the love of God!!

For the love of God…and oh yeah, country…In January of 1963, following his election as Governor of Alabama, George Wallace famously stated in his inaugural address: "segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.”…On June 11, 1963, when black students Vivian Malone and James A. Hood showed up at the University of Alabama campus in Tuscaloosa to attend class; in what historians often refer to as the "Stand in the Schoolhouse Door," the governor literally stood in the doorway as federal authorities tried to allow the students to enter. (US News). Governor Wallace invoked a whole bunch of passages from a Bible bent on racism to justify his own human frailties. Continuing the hate of that that Good Book the Gov. found abridged excerpts from some mangled US Constitution, in which the Governor swore the intent of the Founding Fathers was to keep America white and Christian. God and Washington both were surely in agreement with this bigot.

Last week, Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore wrote in a letter to Gov. Robert Bentley that he planned to oppose a federal judge’s recent ruling that the state’s ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional. He referred to the decision as “judicial tyranny” and said that any Alabama judges who obey the federal court ruling and allow marriage licenses to be issued would be in “defiance of the laws and Constitution of Alabama.” (Huff Post Gay Voices). Supreme Court Justice Moore is sure his religious freedom trumps the Constitution, and that God knows more then any human judge and of course Alabama need not act like a lap dog toward the laws of the land as it relates to homosexuals. America may no longer be a whites only conclave but it is sure tootin’ a heterosexual homeland. Protecting his version of a homophobic religion, Justice Moore won’t let any law Jesus wouldn’t like find fruition.

For the love of God…and oh yeah, country those who want to act as Gods mercenaries are at the ready to declare war on the rights of others they feel are so wrong. Laws not loved are inspired by men and must be removed so God’s laws take precedent. These same Christian Crusaders protest the rise of an imagined Shira Law, but have no problem ever when it is a form of Evangelical Christian tyranny that begs to be boss. History will always be repeated when the facts of the past are intentionally ignored. Truth will never find its footing if falsehoods and false prophets proliferate the talking points with fear and loathing. And of course was long as we preface our actions with for the love of God…and of course country, we are nothing but angels!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

chump's change

I certainly have a better idea why Mitt Romney decided that if hr were to run for president for a third time, this time he would make income inequality a top priority. Mitt was dealt a blow when his arrogance and ignorance toward anyone not in his income bracket was discovered with his 47% comment. His crass remarks tarnished his pearly whites, Brooks Brothers, elevator for my cars, its my turn to be president image and assisted the American public to dismiss, once again this man who likes tall trees, and has binders of women. Mitt was confused as he was rich enough to be the plantation owner so why did the slaves revolt?

Well, Mitt, I now shed a minute amount of sympathy for you as your three times has to be a charm foray into presidential primaries goes astray again. I now understand why you suddenly made a 360 degree shift ( something anyone without a back bone or morals can do) in your true feelings about the poor. You Mitt (Mittens) Romney have found your self ousted by that 1% you assumed you owned. It seems the Koch Brothers did not invite you to their private fascist gathering. It seems Mittens that they are at the ready to bandy about almost a billion dollars in puppeteer money for the 2016 elections. You, Mitt buddy only coughed up half of that for your run in 2012, and somehow realized you could no longer play with the really RICH kids. You suddenly found yourself cast from the 1%, you found yourself poor.

Ah Mitt, it has to be a bit sad to know that wealthier people than you can buy politics and politicians as if it was chump change. And now Mittens, that leaves you as just one of the chumps along with the 47%!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Dumb as dirt

She ranted and raved about the Ebola crisis, demanding that those good American doctors who risked their own life and limb to assist the Africans suffering from that dreaded disease be quarantined, called traitors to the sanctity of American values, because they might bring the virus to the shores Jesus called home. She insisted that science was incorrect and the medical community incoherent regarding their findings on the contagion of Ebola. She knew a that her right wing anti science/education audience expected a low bar of intelligence regarding Ebola, and she delivered the dread and doom like dessert on a rancid cake. Now she regals in laughing off this whole measles thing as pure silliness and malarky, half crazed parents she insists, what’s a pox on your house if all that pox turns out to be is measles. How unAmerican, un-family values it is to quarantine un vaccinated kids, they are Americans you know not some citizen of a West African nation! She pooh-poohs the worries that a once eradicated malaise like measles has made a come back. No, this right wing/Evangelical nursing/ratings prostitute/feed the stupid a dose of even more stupid is laughing her ass off about this silly measles outbreak. This comedienne is Laura Ingraham and her jokes will just kill you!

He knew more than the scientists and was sure being hard ass would earn him love and adoration from the gun totting/stand your ground crowd. He is the sheriff of New Jersey and high noon came to his ranch when a nurse arrived in Newark with perhaps that African disease, Ebola. QUARANTINE her, and if she  resists tar and feather her, he is the boss and nobody with facts or information is going to deter him from running roughshod. Now he stands on a fence of reason and ridiculous, ruminating about choices parents should have as they decide to spread the measles disease as if it was a matter of free speech. This is AMERIKA he declares and parents know best about the lives of their children, and they should be given freedom to ruin the lives of any other parent’s child. Never one for the facts but oozing at the pores for soundbytes and frenzy from a right wing lunatic fringe, Governor (I want to be YOUR president) Chris Christie is sure that vaccinations might be made by the of the Devil or at least a Communist plot or even created by the Gays!

He is an ophthalmologist by education, he says he is Board Certified, except the Board certifying him was a creation invented for him, by him so he wouldn’t have to really be judged on his educational merits by his peers. He loves to vacillate with the truth, and like Goldilocks, is never sure if the facts are too hot, too cold or somewhere in the middle. Pandering to the group to which he is speaking his facts roam around him like the Earth moves around the sun. He loves to propose theories hoping that if he says them loud enough or recites some obscure yet to be proven facts from some derelict expert, his dumber then dirt crowd will applaud his wisdom. Now he is sure that he not sure about the measles vaccine, not for the medical reasons, but because its all about freedom. Libertarians like Rand Paul insist that choices be made and never, ever, EVER worry about the consequences that may affect the community at large. Rand Paul is damn tooting sure vaccines deny freedom, except when he is directly approached with that statement. Of course like any dog with rabies Rand Paul never likes to be cornered and denies whatever it is he was so sure about when he said it.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Abso-didilly wrong!

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) said on Sunday that even though he opposes gay marriage for religious reasons, he has plenty of gay friends -- just like he has friends who drink, curse and enjoy ballet.
"This is not just a political issue, it's a biblical issue," he said. "It's like asking somebody who's Jewish to start serving bacon-wrapped shrimp in their deli.” But Huckabee said his views won't change "unless I get a new version of the Scriptures.” (Huff Post)

Dear Mikey, dude, you certainly manage to jumble a whole lot of nonsense into one speech. You seem to merge your Good Book into the Constitution, freedom from religion into freedom of one religion, and confuse the hell out of any divide between church and sate. You know that a bunch of sheep will blindly follow your every word because you firmly insist you are nothing but an innocent messenger from Jesus, yet the messages he seems to deliver to you never quite follow suit as to what he said in the Bible, and the description of his behavior back in the day. We know you just wrote a book and PR can be a costly thing, so to sustain some dollars in promoting your book, you have decided that hate filled rants sugar coated with a bunch of amens will do the job abso-didily  easily! But those of us not taken by your exaggerated and false prophecies do have a bunch of questions for you Mikey!

This is America Mikey, and we all can have as many best friend as we wish, why we can even be selective as to who our BFF’s are or in your case are not. Good friends however, Mikey, only want fair and equal treatment. Good friends do not restrict their buds from the same rights that are granted to ourselves. Bull shit friends are users and fakers, how ‘bout you Mikey? Ya, see Mikey you state this is not a political issue, you insist it is a Biblical thing. Well then keep it that way Mikey, the Constitution is not the New Testament, it is a political statement saying that all men and finally all women should ALL pursue happiness. Your Bible, depending on which male chieftain. priest, pastor or Klansman interpreting it, tries its darnedest to segregate, eliminate and subjugate certain somebodies to lowlife status. Our Constitution is intended to free men, and your Bible seems to go out of its way to isolate the “others”. Somehow you rant and rave against Sharia Law, but seem quite content to inflict as much pain with your version of Christian Law. Oh yeah, Mikey about the bacon-wrapped shrimp in a deli, you see, if it was a government run deli that item could be on the menu because actually some people might want to eat that!

And finally Mikey you said you won’t change your views on same-sex marriage unless you get a new version of the Scriptures. Well Bud, it seems you and your cadre of homophobes insist that it is in the Scripture that Jesus declared the United States of America a Christian nation…ummm, errr, could you direct me to chapter and verse where he said that? You are so abos-didily wrong!