History repeats itself often and to the chagrin of the ignorant, there never seems to be a lesson learned from which growth and change can happen. Vladimir Putin has run roughshod with the Russian economy, and like his nemesis, the Nazi’s and Adolph Hitler to be exact, Mr Putin rather then try and correct his own malfeasance and misguided economic tools chose to blame the ruins of Russia on a demographic. Hitler used the Jews and the homosexuals as scapegoats blaming the woos of the German economic disarray on them. Mr Putin followed suit by insisting it is the deviant behavior and sub human behavior of the homosexuals that has caused turbulence with the Russian ruble. Hitler and Putin both experts at propaganda realized that if the dumb of the nation could be duped into in blaming and shaming the “others” then hardly anyone could take the time and decipher the real fact, the fact that either leader knows nothing about leadership.
In the Christian Fundamentalist nation-state known as Kansas, Governor Sam Brownback is demonstrating the charms and poisons of other dictators whose own economic policies, (his of the trickle down theory,) which never quite worked and finding reasons why no one should ever talk about its failures. Less taxes from the wealthy, has created a very lopsided budget for Brownback and the Christian nation-state of Kansas is suffering the consequences of a fool. So, like the cowards before him who can never admit their own inadequacies and failures Governor Brownback has sought out a scapegoat; not necessarily to blame the entirety of his economic collapse but to defer any more accusations of incompetency. Ever so much like the minions of dictators before him and now the cadre of bigots and homophobes calling themselves T-Publicans, Governor Brownback has refocused his lack of smarts on the rights and equalities of the LGBT community. Kansas can now add to its top ten list of discriminatory laws against the LGBT community the fact that being Gay is cause enough to be fired, never hired or hardly promoted. Governor Brownback is somehow sure the deviants calling themselves homosexuals are not really Americans and of course not citizens of Kansas.
Most inept, insecure leaders prove just how they lack foresight or insight into governing whenever they refuse to point the fingers of failure toward themselves but instead point all ten fingers outward blaming the “others” for any and all misfortune. Their scapegoat mentality plays well for the crowd of losers who would rather keep their heads in the sand then trudge forward. In Kansas history is repeating itself with a leader who is dead wrong in his approach toward the welfare of his population and who instead insists the devil is never in his details but those who call themselves homosexual.
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