The Supreme Court’s decision on Monday not to delay same-sex marriage in Alabama came with a blistering dissent from Justice Clarence Thomas who criticized his fellow justices for looking “the other way” as another federal court pushes aside state laws, rather than taking the customary course of leaving the laws in place until the court addresses larger constitutional issues. “I would have shown the people of Alabama,”
Justice Clarence Thomas is a hypocrite with a convenient and very short sense of history. He is a black man and he is married to a white woman. His marriage is very similar to: Mildred Loving, a black woman, and Richard Loving, a white man, who had been sentenced to a year in prison in Virginia for marrying each other. Their marriage violated the state's anti-miscegenation statute, the Racial Integrity Act of 1924, which prohibited marriage between people classified as "white" and people classified as “colored”.For reasons regarding God’s will, the salvaging of the institution of marriage and oh yeah, tons and tons of bigotry,bias and Racism, the state of Virginia believed some of its citizens deserved equality and others did not. In the state of Virginia prior to 1967 it was fine and dandy to discriminate against the rights of Americans. It would still be okay to deny equality had the Supreme Court not stepped in and stopped this inequality.
Justice Thomas concluded, his tirade by adding the following comment [Alabamian’s] “are lacking the respect they deserve and should preserve the status quo while the court resolves this important constitutional question.” (Huff Post). Whose respect should be preserved a bunch of men and women who would deny equal marriage rights over the men and women who just want the same rights as all other Alabamians. Because it is stated as a status quo, no matter how irrational, irreverent, unfair and unjust it should remain in tact. Justice Thomas is a sad sack of a hypocrite, hacking away at the “others”, when in fact his marriage was and most likely still is considered something other then natural. Hate hangs heavy on hypocrites.
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